Process Engine 10.11 | Configuring and Monitoring the Process Engine | Viewing the Process Engine Dashboard | Additional Information About Dashboard Status
Additional Information About Dashboard Status
The status indicators on the Dashboard page enable you to assess the current Process Engine conditions in a compact format.
In versions of Process Engine prior to v9.6, the Dashboard display provides monitoring of the Audit Logging component. In version 9.6 and later, the Audit Logging mechanism is replaced with an internal logging mechanism, and the Audit Logging component is no longer displayed in the Dashboard.
*Control Triggers. A green status icon indicates that the JMS control triggers and Broker (deprecated) control triggers for Process Engine are configured correctly and running. For more information, see Viewing Information about the Process Engine Environment.
* Process Engine Database . A green status icon indicates that the Process Engine database is connected and is configured with the correct database schema version. No check is made of the actual database structure or contents. If a schema version conflict is found, both the expected version and the found version are displayed in the Message column. You can update the database and obtain additional information with the webMethods Database Component Configurator. For more information, see the PDF publication Installing Software AG Products.
*Process Auditing. A green status icon indicates that:
*The Process Audit database is connected and is configured with the correct database schema version. No check is made of the actual database structure or contents. If a schema version conflict is found, both the expected version and the found version are displayed in the Message column. You can update the database and obtain additional information with the webMethods Database Component Configurator. For more information, see the PDF publication Installing Software AG Products.
*The Failed Process Audit cache is connected and configured. This cache temporarily retains any audit logging records that could not be written to the Process Audit database. Under normal circumstance, these records are regularly transferred to the Process Audit database and deleted from the cache. The presence of unlogged process audit records in the cache will cause a red status icon to appear. In this case, you must determine what is preventing these records from being transferred to the Process Audit database.
*Optimize Logging. A green status icon indicates that the Process Engine is configured correctly to deliver logging messages to webMethods Broker (deprecated). To configure a webMethods Broker (deprecated) URL, see Configuring Process Engine Settings.
*Business Calendars. A green status icon indicates that the Process Engine is connected to My webMethods Server and is able to obtain any business calendars specified by process model timeout definitions. The status check does not verify the presence of any particular business calendar. For more information, see “Business Calendar Prerequisites” in the webMethods BPM Process Development Help.