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Viewing Details of an Authentication Certificate
You can view the details associated with an authentication certificate.
*To view the details of an authentication certificate
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > User Management > Certificates.
2. If the certificate is not visible in the Certificates panel, use the Search panel to locate it. For more information, see Viewing Details of an Authentication Certificate.
3. Locate the certificate and click The Details icon.
The following table lists the details, available for each authentication certificate:
Certificate Detail
The certificate type assigned when the certificate was added.
Subject CN
The common name of the host being authenticated.
Issuer CN
The common name of the issuer.
Serial Number
The serial number assigned to the certificate.
Valid Not Before
The date before which the certificate is not valid.
Valid Not After
The date after which the certificate is not valid.
The user’s name.
4. To return to the list of certificates, click Close.