CAF Shared JavaScript

Class CAF.Select


class CAF.Select

Select-one/many utilities.
Defined in select.js

Nested Class Summary
<static class> CAF.Select.Model
<static class> CAF.Select.Radio
<static class> CAF.Select.Checkbox
<static class> CAF.Select.Item
<static class> CAF.Select.Combobox
<static class> CAF.Select.Listbox
<static class> CAF.Select.Row
<static class> CAF.Select.Button
<static class> CAF.Select.Link
<static class> CAF.Select.Tabs
<static class> CAF.Select.Swapbox
Constructor Summary
CAF.Select ()
Method Summary
<static> void addOther(id)
           Allows user to add another select-item to the specified select control.
<static> void addToggleHandler(id, initialValue)
           Add handler to select control that makes it toggle among the group of controls whose ids are specified by the control's select item values.
<static> void rememberSelection(event, list)
           Onmousedown handler for single-select to remember selected index to return to if new selected index is disabled.
<static> void skipDisabled(event, list)
           Onclick, onkeypress, and onkeyup handler for single-select (and onchange handler for multi-select) to skip disabled options.

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


<static> void addOther(id)


<static> void addToggleHandler(id, initialValue)


<static> void rememberSelection(event, list)


<static> void skipDisabled(event, list)

CAF Shared JavaScript

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Aug 30 14:56:06 2021