CAF Shared JavaScript

Class CAF.GMap.Model


class CAF.GMap.Model
extends CAF.Input.Model

GMap client-side model. The GMap model is based on an Input model; the value of the GMap model is the coordinates string of the map center.
Defined in gmap.js

Field Summary
 Object getCoords
 Object setCoords
Fields inherited from class CAF.Input.Model
Fields inherited from class CAF.Output.Model
id, form
Constructor Summary
CAF.GMap.Model ()
Methods inherited from class CAF.Input.Model
getValue, setValue, setDisabled, isFocused, setFocused, isEmpty, addValidator, removeValidator, listValidators, validate, addValueChangeListener, removeValueChangeListener, listValueChangeListeners, getLabel, setLabel
Methods inherited from class CAF.Output.Model
initialize, toString, equals, isDisabled, isVisible, setVisible, hide, _reapplyOriginalStyle, show, toggle, refresh, reAttachBehaviors, refreshWhenVisible, addRefreshCompleteListener, removeRefreshCompleteListener, listRefreshCompleteListeners, addToggleListener, removeToggleListener, listToggleListeners

Field Detail


Object getCoords


Object setCoords

Constructor Detail



CAF Shared JavaScript

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Mon Aug 30 14:56:06 2021