Integration Server 10.5 | Developing Data Synchronization Solutions with webMethods Mobile Support | Developing Solutions Using Mobile Support | Step 4: Associate the Mobile Application with a Mobile Sync Component | Associating a Mobile Application with a Mobile Sync Component
Associating a Mobile Application with a Mobile Sync Component
After you write the mobile application, you must associate the application with a mobile sync component and then enable the component so that Mobile Support can start processing data synchronization requests from the application.
*To associate a mobile application with a mobile sync component
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Solutions menu of the Navigation panel, click Mobile Support.
3. In the Navigation panel, click Mobile Applications.
4. Click Add Mobile Application.
5. On the Add Mobile Application screen, provide the following information:
For this parameter...
Application Name
The name of the mobile application to associate with the mobile sync component.
Application Version
The version of the mobile application.
Mobile Sync Component Alias
The alias of the mobile sync component.
If the mobile application will synchronize with more than one type of dataset, you must create a mobile sync component for each dataset type. For details about associating the mobile application with multiple mobile sync components, see Associating a Mobile Application with a Different Mobile Sync Component.
6. Click Save Changes.
7. If the mobile sync component is not enabled, enable it. For details, see Enabling a Mobile Sync Component.