Integration Server 10.5 | Developing Data Synchronization Solutions with webMethods Mobile Support | Developing Solutions Using Mobile Support | Step 4: Associate the Mobile Application with a Mobile Sync Component | Associating a Mobile Application with a Different Mobile Sync Component
Associating a Mobile Application with a Different Mobile Sync Component
You can associate a mobile application with multiple mobile sync components. For example, in a retail scenario where order details and inventory details are maintained in two separate datasets, you might want to associate the mobile application with two mobile sync components: one that handles synchronization requests for orders, and one that handles inventory synchronization requests.
Use this procedure to specify which mobile sync components to associate with a mobile application.
*To associate a mobile application with a different mobile sync component
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Solutions menu of the Navigation panel, click Mobile Support.
3. In the Navigation panel, click Mobile Applications.
4. In the list of mobile applications, click the name of the application with which you want to associate a different mobile sync component.
5. From the Mobile Sync Component Alias list, select one or more mobile sync components to associate with the application.
6. Click Save Changes.