Integration Server 10.5 | REST Developer’s Guide | Configuring a REST V2 Resource | Considerations for Specifying the URL template in a REST V2 Resource Operation
Considerations for Specifying the URL template in a REST V2 Resource Operation
Consider the following while defining the URL template in a REST V2 resource operation:
*A URL template definition is a combination of static path segments and dynamic parameters. For example, in the URL template /rad/cust:customerNode/customer/{id}/order/{orderID}, customer and order are static path segment while {id} and {orderID} are dynamic.
*Enclose dynamic parameters in the URL template within braces ({}). For example, in the URL template /rad/customer/{id}, the {id} parameter is dynamic and represents an attribute of the customer resource.
*Any dynamic parameter that you specify in a URL template must be available as a variable of type String in the input signature of the flow service associated with the resource operation. If you specify the option of creating a new flow service when defining the resource operation, a new service with the specified name is automatically created under the services folder with the dynamic parameter in the URL template added to the input signature.
You must create REST API descriptors so that you can expose the REST V2 resources as REST applications. For information about creating REST V2 resources and REST API descriptors, and defining resource operations, see webMethods Service Development Help.
*While a URL template definition can include multiple dynamic parameters, each dynamic parameter can appear only once in the URL template.
*A URL template cannot include the following characters: & ; ? @ # | [ ]
*Query parameters are not supported in the definition of a URL template. However, the request URL from the client application to Integration Server can include query parameters at run time.
*Ensure that the resource operations in a REST V2 resource are unique, which is a combination of URL template and the HTTP method.
*You can define a logical representation of a resource that is associated with the REST V2 resource.
*You can define attributes for the REST V2 resource.
*You can define relationships between REST V2 resources so that using a single resource all related resources can be accessed.
To invoke REST APIs, Software AG recommends that you create REST API descriptors.