Integration Server 10.5 | REST Developer’s Guide | Configuring a REST V2 Resource
Configuring a REST V2 Resource
Considerations for Specifying the URL template in a REST V2 Resource Operation
Examples of Configuring REST Resources Using the URL Template-Based Approach
Configuring a REST V2 Resource Based on JSON API
Examples of Configuring REST Resources Based on JSON API
You can use the URL template-based approach to configure REST resources. In this approach, you define a URL template for client requests to use and invoke the resources.
REST resources configured using this approach are also known as REST V2 resources.
For each REST V2 resource, you must define operations that include the following:
*The format of the URL that REST clients must follow when sending requests to Integration Server acting as the REST server. Integration Server attempts to match a request URL received from any application against the URL template defined for a REST V2 resource operation and determines whether the request URL is valid.
*The HTTP methods supported by the resource operation.
*The flow service associated with a resource operation. You can either associate an existing service with a resource operation or create a new service and associate it with the resource operation.
The URL template-based approach provides you with greater flexibility than the legacy approach in defining REST resources. For a REST V2 resource, you can define multiple operations and associate each operation with a URL template, HTTP methods, and a flow service. In addition, you can edit these details based on your requirements.
You cannot configure REST V2 resources when Integration Server is deployed in a multitenanted environment.