Package com.softwareag.mdm.service.comparison

Interface Summary
Difference Main abstract class for representing differences between two entities.
DifferenceBetweenContents Abstract class for representing differences between two adaptations (either instances or occurrences).
DifferenceBetweenHomes Main class for comparing two homes (for example two versions or a branch and a version).
DifferenceBetweenInstances Represents the difference between two adaptation instances.
DifferenceBetweenOccurrences Represents the difference between two adaptation occurrences.
DifferenceBetweenTables Represents the difference between two tables.
ExtraAdaptationOnLeft Represents the fact that an adaptation is defined on the left part but it is not on the right part.
ExtraAdaptationOnRight Represents the fact that an adaptation is defined on the right part but it is not on the left part.
ExtraInstanceOnLeft Represents the fact that an instance is defined on the left home but it is not on the right home.
ExtraInstanceOnRight Represents the fact that an instance is defined on the right home but it is not on the left home.
ExtraOccurrenceOnLeft Represents the fact that an occurrence is defined on the left table but it is not on the right table.
ExtraOccurrenceOnRight Represents the fact that an occurrence is defined on the right table but it is not on the left table.

Class Summary
NodeDifference Represents the finest granularity of comparison, the difference between the values of two adaptations' nodes.

(report a bug)
webMethods MDM 4.2.8 [0558]
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