Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX Adapter Installation and User's Guide  —

Settings and Information

This document describes information and tracing screens in the IS Administration Console. It covers services and screens on the following information types:

Adapter Settings

This screen shows the current level of EntireX Tracing. You can change this level with the Change Settings link. The trace levels are "0" (no tracing), "1" (trace calls), "2" (trace calls and buffers), "3" (full tracing).

The trace file is written to the standard log directory of the Integration Server or the directory defined in Change Settings and has the name wmentirexYYYYMMDD.log.

You can change the location (directory) for the trace files with the Change Settings link. This has immediate effect.

Further Setting Options for Tracing:

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Connections Information

This screen displays the following sections about connections and listeners.

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Built-in Services for Connections Information

The information on connections and listeners shown on the IS Administration Console's page is available with built-in services. The following services are available in the WmEntireX package:


The service retrieves the status of the broker given in the broker ID. Use pub.wmentirex.connectioninfo:brokerList before to get the list of broker IDs used in all connections.

Input Parameters

brokerID String The ID of the broker to be pinged.
refreshData String The number of milliseconds to refresh the data. If refreshData is null or not a number, the default of 10 seconds is used.

Output Parameters

errorFlag String "true" if an error occurred, "false" if the call succeeded.
message String The result of the ping call to the broker.


The service retrieves the list of all broker IDs configured in the connections.

Input Parameters

refreshData String The number of milliseconds to refresh the data. If refreshData is null or not a number, the default of 10 seconds is used.

Output Parameters

brokerIDs String[] The array of broker IDs.


The service retrieves name, broker ID and server address for each listener.

Input Parameters

refreshData String The number of milliseconds to refresh the data. If refreshData is null or not a number, the default of 10 seconds is used.

Output Parameters

listeners IData[] The array of IData objects containing three strings name, brokerID, serverAddress for each listener.


The service retrieves the result of the ping call for the connection.

Input Parameters

connection String The name of the connection to ping, e.g. "folder:name".
refreshData String The number of milliseconds to refresh the data. If refreshData is null or not a number, the default of 10 seconds is used.

Output Parameters

errorFlag String "true" if an error occurred, "false" if the call succeeded.
message String The result of the ping call to the connection.


The service retrieves the connection names. One of these names can be used as input for pub.wmentirex.connectioninfo:serviceInfo.

Input Parameters

refreshData String The number of milliseconds to refresh the data. If refreshData is null or not a number, the default of 10 seconds is used.

Output Parameters

connections String[] The array of connection names in the format folder:connection.

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Support Information

Connections, adapter services and adapter listeners contain metadata which is generated during deployment of connections and services. Use the service pub.wmentirex.supportinfo:createInfo to extract this metadata for support purposes and error diagnosis.


The service extracts the generated metadata from all connections and adapter services in a package and writes this to a file in the installation folder of the Integration Server.

Input Parameters

packageName String The name of a package. The generated metadata for all connections, adapter services and adapter listeners in this package is written to a file.

Output Parameters

result String File <filename> created on host <hostname>

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Services Information

This screen shows statistics about the adapter services of the EntireX Adapter. Only services that have been executed at least once during the runtime of the Integration Server are shown.

The following information is shown for each service:

All these items except the service name can be reset with the link "Reset Statistics".

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License Information

This screen shows information on the license used to enable the usage of Direct RPC, or connections using IMS Connect or CICS ECI connectivity.


  1. The folder <webMethods installation>/IntegrationServer/config is the default folder for the license file.
  2. You can change the location of the license file (file name with folder) with the Change Settings link.
  3. The folder <webMethods installation>/IntegrationServer/packages/WmEntireX is not a safe folder for the license file, because the Integration Server cleans this folder on update.

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Application Monitoring

This functionality is only available with the product webMethods Optimize for Infrastructure. For details, see the Optimize documentation Guide for Enterprise Transaction Systems.

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