IMS BMP with Standard Linkage Calling Convention

This document describes using the COBOL Mapping Editor to extract from an IMS BMP COBOL server with a standard COBOL call interface using IMS PCB pointers.



If your IMS BMP program contains PCB pointers, you have assigned the IMS PSB list in the previous step Step 4: Define the Extraction Settings and Start Extraction. If a required IMS PSB list is not assigned, the PCB pointers are not detected; go back to Step 4: Define the Extraction Settings and Start Extraction and assign the IMS PSB list first.

If the IMS PSB list is correctly assigned, the COBOL data items (including the PCB pointers) can be evaluated by the extractor because this type of COBOL server contains a PROCEDURE DIVISION header (see PROCEDURE DIVISION Mapping) with all parameters. In most cases the offered COBOL data items will be correct, but you should always check them manually.

If you have selected an IDL file and opened the COBOL Mapping Editor with an existing COBOL to IDL mapping, continue with Mapping Editor User Interface.

Extracting from an IMS BMP Standard Call Interface

If you are extracting IDL from a COBOL source or extending the IDL file by extracting an additional COBOL source with interface type IMS BMP with standard linkage calling convention, the Extractor Settings dialog appears (see also Step 4: Define the Extraction Settings and Start Extraction).

Make sure the interface type is correct.


You can set optionally the IMS PSB List. If your COBOL server contains PCB pointers, choose Browse. Otherwise, the PCB pointers are not detected and cannot be provided by the RPC Server for IMS to your COBOL server at runtime, and unexpected behavior may occur. For the contents of the IMS PSB list, see IMS PCB Pointer IDL Rules.

Start of instruction setTo select the COBOL interface data items of your COBOL server

  1. Add the COBOL data items to the COBOL Interface using the context menu or toolbar available in the COBOL Source View and COBOL Interface. See Notes.

  2. Continue with COBOL to IDL Mapping.


  1. If there is a PROCEDURE DIVISION header available, the parameters listed define exactly the COBOL interface. These COBOL data items are within the LINKAGE SECTION and are already selected to the COBOL interface in initial state when you enter the COBOL Mapping Editor. The PROCEDURE DIVISION header might not be available if you are extracting from a copybook or part of the COBOL source.
  2. It is very important to select the right COBOL data items describing the COBOL interface correctly. This means the COBOL data items used as parameters must match in number and in sequence of formats (COBOL usage clause).
  3. If your COBOL interface contains REDEFINEs, the first REDEFINE path is offered by default. Check manually whether this is the one you want. If not, correct it. You can select any other REDEFINE path.
  4. Make sure the PCB pointers are also selected at the correct position.

The user interface of the COBOL Mapping Editor is described below.

Mapping Editor User Interface

This section assumes you have set the extraction settings as described above. The following areas of the COBOL Mapping Editor user interface are described here:

For COBOL server programs with standard call interface types, the user interface of the COBOL Mapping Editor looks like this:

graphics/map-same-ims-bmp_interface-small-1.png COBOL Program Selection. Currently selected program with interface type graphics/toc_closed.png More info
graphics/map-same-ims-bmp_interface-small-2.png COBOL Source View. Contains all related sources for the currently selected COBOL program graphics/toc_closed.png More info
graphics/map-same-ims-bmp_interface-small-3.png COBOL to IDL Mapping. Tree view of your selected COBOL data items and mapping buttons with which you can map these items to your IDL interface graphics/toc_closed.png More info

COBOL Program Selection


The COBOL Program Selection displays the current selected COBOL program with its interface type. If you have extracted more than one COBOL program within the associated IDL file, you can switch to another COBOL program with its mapping by selecting the name in the combo box.

COBOL Source View


All COBOL data items contained in the LINKAGE and WORKING-STORAGE SECTION are offered in a text view for selection. The text view contains all related sources (including copybooks) for the currently selected COBOL program. It is used for selecting data items and retrieving information from the original COBOL sources. The light green bar indicates that the data item is already contained in the COBOL Interface; a dark green bar indicates the data item is selectable and can be added to the COBOL Interface. This section can be collapsed. If you open the Editor with Modify Interface it is collapsed by default. The toolbar provides the following actions:

graphics/icon_addToInterface.gif Add selected COBOL data item to COBOL Interface.
graphics/icon_removeFromInterface.gif Remove selected COBOL data item from COBOL Interface.
graphics/icon_removeAllFromInterface.gif Remove all COBOL data items from COBOL Interface.
graphics/icon_restoreDefault.gif Reset COBOL Interface to initial state.
graphics/icon_settings.gif Show dialog to modify COBOL Source Characteristics. Not available for interface type COBOL Converter.
graphics/icon_search.gif Show dialog to find text in Source.

The same functionality is also available from the context menu.

COBOL to IDL Mapping

This section covers the following topics:

COBOL Interface

The COBOL Interface shows a tree view of your selected COBOL data items describing the interface of the COBOL server. A context menu is available for the COBOL data items, which provides mapping and other functions. On some COBOL data items, decision icons indicate where particular attention is needed, including mapping icons to visualize the COBOL data type and your current mapping.

The COBOL data item names are derived from the COBOL source from which they were extracted. If your COBOL interface contains parameters without a name (for example, the keyword FILLER is used) those COBOL data items are shown as [FILLER]. See FILLER Pseudo-Parameter.


You can modify the COBOL interface using context menu or toolbar; decision and mapping icons provide additional information.

Context Menu

The context menu on COBOL data items provides the following mapping and other functions, depending on the data item type, the COBOL level and the current mapping.

Map to In | Out | InOut A suppressed COBOL data item becomes visible in the IDL interface. Used also to select another REDEFINE path.
Suppress Suppress unneeded COBOL data items.
Set Constant Set COBOL data items to constant.
Set Multiple Possible Output (MPO) Structures Set COBOL data items where the server program decides the output structure used on return. Specify the set of multiple possible output (MPO) structures and the criteria when a structure is used.
Map to Binary Map a COBOL data item as IDL parameter of type binary (Bn, BV) to exchange binary data (for example images). See Map to Binary and Revert Binary Mapping under Mapping Editor IDL Interface Mapping Functions.
Revert Binary Mapping Undo the Map to Binary operation and use the standard mapping.
Remove from COBOL Interface Remove the data item from the COBOL interface. This also removes the mapped IDL parameter from all IDL interfaces for the current COBOL program. See COBOL Program Selection.

See also Mapping Editor IDL Interface Mapping Functions.


The toolbar offers the following actions:

graphics/icon_plus.gif Create IDL Interface. Creates a new IDL interface based on the current COBOL interface: all IDL parameters are of IDL direction InOut; no IDL parameters are set to constant; for COBOL REDEFINE, the first REDEFINE path is mapped to IDL; FILLERs are suppressed according to your selection, see Step 4: Define the Extraction Settings and Start Extraction.
graphics/icon_duplicate.gif Copy current IDL Interface. Creates a duplicate of the current IDL interface: all modifications such as IDL directions, suppress, selection of REDEFINE paths etc. are kept.
graphics/icon_remove.gif Remove current IDL Interface.
graphics/icon_rename.gif Rename current IDL Interface.
graphics/icon_expand.png Expand the full tree.
graphics/icon_collapse.png Collapse the full tree.

See also Map to Multiple IDL Interfaces.

Decision Icons

The decision icons in the first column are set on COBOL data items where particular attention is needed:

graphics/icon_decisionRedefine.png This icon visualizes a COBOL REDEFINE. It is essential that you map the correct redefine path for your mapping to In, Out or InOut using the context menu. If you map a REDEFINE path, all other sibling REDEFINE paths are automatically set to "Suppress".
Mapping Icons

The following mapping icons on the COBOL data items indicate your current IDL mapping:

graphics/icon_in.png Scalar parameter, mapped to In.
graphics/icon_inout.png Scalar parameter, mapped to InOut.
graphics/icon_out.png Scalar parameter, mapped to Out.
graphics/icon_group-inOut.png Group parameter, here mapped to InOut.
graphics/icon_redefine-inOut.png REDEFINE parameter, here mapped to InOut.
graphics/icon_constant.png Parameter set to Constant.

Mapping Buttons

The following buttons are available:


Map to In | Out | InOut ->

See Map to In, Out, InOut. A suppressed COBOL data item becomes visible in the IDL interface. Used also to select another REDEFINE path.


See Suppress Unneeded COBOL Data Items.

Set Constant...

See Set COBOL Data Items to Constants.

IDL Interface

If you have mapped the COBOL interface to multiple IDL interfaces, select the IDL interface by choosing the tabs. In the IDL Interface tree view, a context menu is also available with the following possibilities:

  • Rename the IDL parameter.

  • Ungroup an IDL group parameter. This removes the selected mapped IDL group parameter from the IDL interface and moves up the IDL group elements.

  • Remove from COBOL Interface. This also removes the mapped IDL parameter from all IDL interfaces for the current COBOL program. See COBOL Program Selection above.


Mapping Editor IDL Interface Mapping Functions

This section covers the following topics:

Map to In, Out, InOut

With the Map to In, Out, InOut functions you make a COBOL data item visible as an IDL parameter in the IDL interface. With correct IDL directions you design the IDL interface by defining input and output parameters. COBOL programs have no parameter directions, so you need to set IDL directions manually.

Start of instruction setTo provide IDL directions

  • Go step-by-step through all top-level COBOL data items in the COBOL interface and use the Map to In, Out and InOut functions available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping buttons to make the COBOL data items visible and provide IDL directions in the IDL interface:


  1. If a top-level COBOL group is mapped, the IDL direction is inherited by all subordinate COBOL data items and thus to the related IDL parameters in the IDL interface.
  2. Subordinate COBOL data items can only be mapped to the same IDL direction as their top-level COBOL group data item.
  3. With the inverse function Suppress Unneeded COBOL Data Items (see below) available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping button, a COBOL data item can be removed from the IDL interface.
  4. IDL directions are described in the direction-attribute in attribute-list under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.

If you are using an RPC server such as the z/OS (CICS | Batch) or BS2000 RPC server, the amount of data to be transferred to/from the RPC client is reduced with correct IDL directions.


With the Map to In, Out, InOut functions you can make the COBOL ODO subject (here COBOL data item TABLE) of a variable-sized COBOL table (see COBOL Tables with Variable Size - DEPENDING ON Clause) visible as an IDL unbounded group (with maximum). The ODO object (here COBOL data item COUNTER-1) is suppressed and therefore not part of the IDL interface. This is because the number of elements of the IDL unbounded group is already implicitly available. See the following example:

01 COUNTER-1 PIC 99.
 02 FIELD2 PIC 99.

Start of instruction setTo map OCCURS DEPENDING ON

  1. Add the COBOL ODO subject (here data item TABLE) and ODO object (here data item COUNTER-1) to the COBOL interface. It is important both data items are in the COBOL interface.

  2. Use the Map to In, Out and InOut functions available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping buttons and apply IDL directions for the ODO subject (data item TABLE):



  1. The ODO subject can be mapped to the IDL interface.
  2. The ODO object is always suppressed, but is required to be part of the COBOL interface.
  3. IDL directions are described in the direction-attribute in attribute-list under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.

Map to Multiple IDL Interfaces

Assume the COBOL server program provides multiple functions or operations, in the following example ADD, SUBRACT, MULTIPLY. Some dispatcher front-end code executes the correct function, for example, depending on a function-code or operation-code parameter:


COBOL snippet: The execution of the different functions ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY is controlled by the COBOL data item OPERATION. The contents of this decide on the function executed:

. . .

     01 OPERATION                      PIC X(1).
     01 OPERAND1                       PIC S9(9) BINARY.
     01 OPERAND2                       PIC S9(9) BINARY.
     01 FUNCTION-RESULT                PIC S9(9) BINARY.
     . . .
         WHEN "+"
         WHEN "-"
         WHEN "*"
         WHEN . . .

. . .

If you have such a situation, a good approach is to expose each COBOL server program function separately as an IDL program. This gives advantages in further processing. See the following examples, depending on your target endpoint:

  • Integration Server
    Instead of having a single adapter service for the EntireX Adapter generated with the Integration Server Wrapper, you have separate adapter services, one for each COBOL function.

  • Web service
    Instead of having a web service with a single operation generated with the Web Services Wrapper, you get a web service with multiple operations, one operation for each COBOL function.

  • DCOM, Java or .NET
    Instead having a class with a single method generated with the respective wrapper (DCOM | Java | .NET) you get a class with multiple methods, one method for each COBOL function.

Start of instruction setTo map a COBOL interface to multiple IDL interfaces

  1. Select the tab with COBOL to IDL Mapping. For each function, define a separate IDL interface with the toolbar functions graphics/icon_plus.gif or graphics/icon_duplicate.gif:


  2. Give the IDL interfaces meaningful names with the toolbar function graphics/icon_rename.gif:


  3. Define the required constant values to the function-code or operation-code parameter, see Set COBOL Data Items to Constants above:


For the delivered Example 1: COBOL Server with Multiple Functions:

  • First, for step 1 above: Extract and define 3 separate IDL programs ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY.

  • Second, for step 2 above: Rename them to suitabable names, e.g. 'ADD', 'SUBTRACT', 'MULTIPLY'.

  • Third, for step 3 above: Define the constants '+', '-' and '*' to the parameter OPERATION respectively.

  • Press Finish to create the following IDL together with a server mapping file. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.

    library 'EXAMPLE' is
     program 'ADD' is
      define data parameter
       1 OPERAND1 (I4) In
       1 OPERAND2 (I4) In
       1 FUNCTION-RESULT (I4) Out
     program 'SUBTRACT' is
      define data parameter
       1 OPERAND1 (I4) In
       1 OPERAND2 (I4) In
       1 FUNCTION-RESULT (I4) Out
     program 'MULTIPLY' is
      define data parameter
       1 OPERAND1 (I4) In
       1 OPERAND2 (I4) In
       1 FUNCTION-RESULT (I4) Out


  1. The following functions are offered to create further mappings from the COBOL interface, resulting in multiple IDL interfaces (IDL programs).
    Icon Function Description
    graphics/icon_plus.gif Create IDL Interface Creates a new IDL interface based on the current COBOL interface. All IDL parameters are of IDL direction InOut; no IDL parameters are set to constant; for COBOL REDEFINE, the first REDEFINE path is mapped to IDL; FILLERs are suppressed according to your selection, see Step 4: Define the Extraction Settings and Start Extraction.
    graphics/icon_duplicate.gif Copy current IDL Interface Creates a duplicate of current IDL interface. All modifications such as IDL directions, suppress, selection of REDEFINE paths etc. are kept.
    graphics/icon_rename.gif Rename current IDL Interface The default name for the IDL interface is based on the COBOL program name plus appended number. With this function you can give the IDL interface a suitable name.
    graphics/icon_remove.gif Remove current IDL Interface Deletes the current IDL interface.
  2. With the steps 1 thru 3 described here you can emulate the behavior of function Map to Operation of EntireX version 9.6 and earlier.

Select REDEFINE Paths

For COBOL server programs containing COBOL REDEFINEs, the correct REDEFINE path needs to be chosen for the IDL interface.

Start of instruction setTo select redefine paths

  • Use the Map to In, Out or InOut functions available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping buttons to make the COBOL REDEFINE path available in the IDL interface.


    Begin with the COBOL REDEFINE defined at the highest level first. Work through all inner COBOL REDEFINE data items, going from higher levels to lower levels.


  1. Only one REDEFINE path of a COBOL REDEFINE can be mapped to the IDL interface. All COBOL REDEFINE siblings are suppressed.
  2. If a REDEFINE path is actively mapped to the IDL interface, all COBOL REDEFINE siblings are suppressed.
  3. You can suppress all REDEFINE paths of a COBOL REDEFINE. Simply suppress the active REDEFINE path, see Suppress Unneeded COBOL Data Items above.

Suppress Unneeded COBOL Data Items

COBOL data items without any relevant information can be made invisible in the IDL interface. The IDL interface is simplified - it becomes shorter and tidier. This is useful, for example

  • for FILLER data items

  • if the consuming RPC client or IS service does not need an Out parameter

  • if the COBOL data item is an In parameter and a low value can be provided

If you are using an RPC server such as the z/OS (CICS | Batch) or BS2000 RPC server, the amount of data to be transferred to/from the RPC client is also reduced.

Start of instruction setTo suppress unneeded COBOL data items

  • Use the Suppress function available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping button to make the COBOL data item invisible in the IDL interface:



  1. The COBOL data item is not part of the IDL interface. It is invisible for consuming RPC clients or IS services.
  2. The RPC server or EntireX Adapter provides the COBOL data item to your COBOL server with low value, managing the offset to the next COBOL data item.
  3. If a COBOL group is suppressed, all subordinate COBOL data items are suppressed as well.
  4. With the inverse functions Map to In, Out or InOut (see above) available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping buttons, a COBOL data item is made visible in the IDL interface again.

Set COBOL Data Items to Constants

COBOL data items that always require fixed constant values on input to the COBOL interface can be made invisible in the IDL interface and initialized with the required constant values. This is useful for keeping the IDL interface short and tidy. Consuming RPC clients or IS services are not bothered with IDL parameters that always contain constants, such as RECORD-TYPES. This function is often used in conjunction with Map to Multiple IDL Interfaces (see above).

Start of instruction setTo set COBOL data items to constants

  1. Use the Set Constant function available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping button to define a constant value for a COBOL data item:


  2. You are prompted with a window to enter the constant value:



  1. The COBOL data item is not part of the IDL interface. It is invisible for consuming RPC clients or IS services.
  2. The RPC server or EntireX Adapter provides the defined constant in the COBOL data item to your COBOL server.
  3. With the functions Map to In, Out, InOut (see above) available in the context menu of the COBOL interface and as mapping buttons, a COBOL data item can be made visible in the IDL interface again.

Set Multiple Possible Output (MPO) Structures

A COBOL server program produces more than one type of output. The layout of the output can therefore take two or more dissimilar shapes. The COBOL server program decides at runtime the output structure returned, that is, the COBOL layout on output varies.

Multiple Possible Output with REDEFINES

A COBOL REDEFINES Clause is often used to describe the possible output structures. In COBOL this is the standard way to describe multiple possible output:

Similar to COBOL data item PAYMENT-DATA in the example below; for this purpose, PAYMENT-DATA is redefined; each redefinition represents an output structure (MPO case); on return exactly one output structure is used; by inspecting COBOL data item PAYMENT-TYPE (MPO selector) first, a caller can determine the returned output structure; the caller then uses the correct redefinition to access the data.

  . . .
    01 INPUT-DATA.
       02 ORDER-NUMBER                            PIC 9(10).

    . . .
        02 <some fields>                          PIC <clause>.
       . . .

        02 PAYMENT-TYPE                           PIC X(2).
           88 PAYMENT-TYPE-VOUCHER                VALUE "VO".
           88 PAYMENT-TYPE-CREDITCARD             VALUE "CC".
           88 PAYMENT-TYPE-TRANSFER               VALUE "TR".
           88 PAYMENT-TYPE-DIRECTDEBIT            VALUE "DB".
          . . .
        02 <preceding data items>                 PIC <clause>.
       . . .
        02 PAYMENT-DATA                           PIC X(256).
           04 VOUCHER-ORIGIN                      PIC X(128).
           04 VOUCHER-SERIES                      PIC X(128).
           04 CREDITCARD-NUMBER                   PIC 9(18).
           04 CREDITCARD-COMPANY                  PIC X(128).
           04 CREDITCARD-CODE                     PIC 9(12).
           04 CREDITCARD-VALIDITY                 PIC X(8).
           04 TRANSFER-NAME                       PIC X(128).
           04 TRANSFER-IBAN                       PIC X(34).
           04 TRANSFER-BIC                        PIC X(11).
           04 DIRECTDEBIT-IBAN                    PIC X(34).
           04 DIRECTDEBIT-NAME                    PIC X(128).
           04 DIRECTDEBIT-EXPIRES                 PIC 9(8).
          . . .
        02 <subsequent data items>                PIC <clause>.
       . . .

    . . .

*   read order record using ORDER-NUMBER
    . . .

*  set value indicating type of reply (MPO selector)
    IF <some-condition> THEN
    ELSE IF <some-other-condition> THEN
    ELSE IF <some-further-condition> THEN
   . . .

*   set fields (MPO case) depending on type of reply
            MOVE . . . TO VOUCHER-ORIGIN
            MOVE . . . TO VOUCHER-SERIES
            MOVE . . . TO CREDITCARD-CODE
            MOVE . . . TO TRANSFER-NAME
            MOVE . . . TO TRANSFER-IBAN
            MOVE . . . TO TRANSFER-BIC
            MOVE . . . TO DIRECTDEBIT-IBAN
            MOVE . . . TO DIRECTDEBIT-NAME
            . . .
    . . .

In addition, the COBOL interface

  • limits the number of possible output structures returned

  • defines all possible output structures, that is, they are known during extraction. In the example these are the structures PAYMENT-DATA-VOUCHER, PAYMENT-DATA-CREDITCARD and PAYMENT-DATA-TRANSFER. These are the MPO structures.

  • contains an additional COBOL data item carrying a value related to the returned output structure. By inspecting this data item first, the appropriate output structure can be selected to address the data correctly. In the example it is PAYMENT-TYPE. This item is the MPO selector.

  • always occupies memory to be able to transfer the longest output structure. If the actual returned output structure is shorter than the longest possible output structure, there is a gap (space) between the multiple possible output and the subsequent data item.


This abstract concept is known as multiple possible output (MPO) EntireX bundles all MPO structures into an MPO group. See MPO Terminology below.

Optional Output with Groups

COBOL group data items can be used to describe optional output structures. The contents of a COBOL data item define under which circumstances COBOL groups are part of the returned data or not. Optional output with group data items are a variant of multiple possible output (MPO).

In addition, the COBOL interface

  • limits the number of possible output structures returned

  • defines all optional output structures, that is, they are known during extraction. In the COBOL snippet below these are the structures OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-STRUCTURE1 and OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-STRUCTURE2. These are the MPO structures.

  • contains an additional COBOL data item carrying an indication which optional output is present. By inspecting this data item first, the appropriate optional output structure can be selected to address the data correctly. If its value does not match, the optional output is not present. In the COBOL snippet it is COBOL data item OPTIONAL-OUTPUT. This item is the MPO selector.

  • If the optional output is not present no memory is occupied. There is no gap between the optional output and the subsequent data item, as opposed to Multiple Possible Output with REDEFINES above.

In the COBOL snippet below there are three different shapes of output:


COBOL snippet:


      02 FIX-INPUT-ITEM1                      PIC X(4).
      02 <some fields>                        PIC <clause>.
      . . .

   01 OUTPUT-OFFSET                           PIC  S9(9) BINARY.
   01 OUTPUT-AREA                             PIC X(32000).
      . . .

      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT                      PIC X(1).
         88 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-1                 VALUE "1".
         88 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-2                 VALUE "2".
         88 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-NONE              VALUE "N".
      . . .

      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM11               PIC X(10).
      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM12               PIC X(100).
      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM13               PIC X(20).
      . . .

      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM21               PIC X(4).
      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM22               PIC X(50).
      02 OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-ITEM23               PIC X(50).
      . . .

      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM11                    PIC X(4).
      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM12                    PIC X(20).
      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM13                    PIC X(8).
      . . .

      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM21                    PIC X(2).
      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM22                    PIC X(10).
      02 FIX-OUTPUT-ITEM23                    PIC X(10).
      . . .

      IF <some-condition> THEN
      ELSE IF <some-other-condition> THEN

      . . .

*     provide control area for optional output

*     provide data items before optional output

*     provide optional output

*     provide data items after optional output
      . . .

The returned data is built by copying the necessary COBOL structures into an output area. The optional output is one of OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-STRUCTURE1, OPTIONAL-OUTPUT-STRUCTURE2 or nothing. The presence of the optional output is controlled by a structure named CONTROL-AREA.

Complex MPO Selections

If the MPO case detection is complicated and cannot be defined by available Extractor features (for example the MPO selector and its values), perform the following steps:

Start of instruction setTo map a complex MPO selection

  1. Map the complete MPO group to binary. See Map to Binary and Revert Binary Mapping.

    If an MPO group is already defined, you cannot map it to binary. Decide first whether MPO case detection is covered by available extractor features.

  2. Implement MPO case detection in your RPC client, using the binary mapping from step 1.

  3. Implement MPO case parsing in your RPC client, using the binary mapping from step 1. For the EntireX Adapter, use the COBOL Converter for this purpose. See Converting IS Data Structures with the COBOL Converter in the EntireX Adapter documentation.

MPO Terminology

The following terminology is used with MPOs:

MPO structure

A COBOL group describing the output layout used in an MPO case. All alternative layouts in an MPO group are often described with COBOL REDEFINEs.

MPO group

Bundles together all MPO structures that can be used alternatively. A COBOL interface can contain more than one MPO group.

MPO case

An MPO structure together with its MPO selector values (one or more).

MPO selector

A COBOL data item containing a specific value (MPO selector value) where the actual MPO case can be determined.

  • For MPOs based on REDEFINEs, the MPO selector can be placed before, inside or after the MPO group.

  • For optional output with groups, the MPO selector precedes the MPO group and is located outside the MPO group.

  • Only for MPP Message Interface (IMS Connect): Instead of determining the position of the MPO selector from beginning of the message, you can calculate the position using a fixed offset starting from the end of the message. This alternative is limited to one MPO group per program. See check box MPO Selector determined from message end in step Create a new MPO group below.

MPO selector value

Each value indicates exactly one output structure. An output structure can be indicated by further values.


Start of instruction setTo set multiple possible output (MPO) structures with REDEFINES or groups

Use the Set Multiple Possible Output (MPO) Structures function available in the context menu of the COBOL interface to create new or modify existing MPO groups.

  1. Set the top-level COBOL data item where the MPO structures are contained to IDL direction Out. Use the Map to Out function for this purpose:


  2. From the context menu of the COBOL interface of the COBOL REDEFINE, choose Set Multiple Possible Output (MPO) Structures.


  3. Set Multiple Possible Output (MPO) Structures into MPO Group.


  4. Create a new MPO group.


  5. Set MPO selector values for MPO Structures.


    Use the functions graphics/icon_mpo-delete.gif to delete and graphics/icon_plus.gif to add MPO selector values:



    1. To add multiple MPO selector values per MPO structure, use the function graphics/icon_plus.gif multiple times for the same MPO structure (see value 10 and 20 for structure PAYMENT-DATA).
    2. MPO structures without any MPO selector value are unused and suppressed in the IDL interface value (e.g. see structure PAYMENT-DATA-TRANSFER).
    3. Each MPO selector value must uniquely identify an MPO structure. The same value cannot be used more than once for different MPO structures.
    4. If no defined MPO selector value matches at runtime, an empty MPO group is delivered to the RPC client, that is, none of the MPO cases contain any data. No runtime error is produced.
  6. Press Finish to create the following IDL together with a server mapping file. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.

    library 'PAYMENT' is
     program 'PAYMENT' is
      define data parameter
       1 INPUT              In
        2 ORDER-NUMBER             (NU10)
       1 OUTPUT             Out
        2 PAYMENT-TYPE             (A2)
        2 PAYMENT-DATA-MPO  Choice
         3 PAYMENT-DATA            (/V1)
          4 PAYMENT-DATA           (AV256)
         3 PAYMENT-DATA-VOUCHER    (/V1)
          4 VOUCHER-ORIGIN         (AV128)
          4 VOUCHER-SERIES         (AV128)
          4 CREDITCARD-NUMBER      (NU18)
          4 CREDITCARD-CODE        (NU12)
          4 CREDITCARD-VALIDITY    (AV8)

Map to Binary and Revert Binary Mapping

With such a mapping you allow the COBOL server to deal with binary data (for example images).


The menu entry Map to Binary appears only on COBOL data items were it makes sense, for example in Channel Container interface types it is not allowed to map the container reference itself as binary, but inner items can be mapped as binary. Redefine groups will be handled as a block, that means the largest redefine path or redefine base defines the binary length.

When the binary IDL parameter is selected, all corresponding COBOL data items are selected as well.


To undo the binary mapping, select the root COBOL data item (the first of the selection group) and from the context menu choose Revert Binary Mapping.


Ungroup (Flatten) an IDL Group

This function flattens an IDL group. It removes the selected IDL group from the IDL interface and moves up the IDL group elements. By repeating this function, IDL group elements can be moved to IDL level 1, where the correct IDL direction (IN, OUT) can be set.


A COBOL group PAYMENT-DATA contains input as well as output parameters. ORDER-NUMBER and PAYMENT-TYPE are input; PAYMENT-VALIDITY is an output parameter.

  02 ORDER-NUMBER                           PIC 9(10).
  02 PAYMENT-TYPE                           PIC X(2).
    88 PAYMENT-TYPE-VOUCHER                 VALUE "VO".
    88 PAYMENT-TYPE-TRANSFER                VALUE "TR".
  02 PAYMENT-VALIDITY                       PIC X(256).

IDL directions can be set on IDL level 1 only. Therefore, if PAYMENT-DATA is in the IDL, you need to map it to direction INOUT. It is not possible to set it to direction IN, because the direction of PAYMENT-VALIDITY would be wrong. The same applies if you set PAYMENT-DATA to direction OUT; ORDER-NUMBER and PAYMENT-TYPE would then be wrong.

Start of instruction setTo solve this conflict

  1. Remove the group data item PAYMENT-DATA with function Ungroup from the IDL Parameters context menu.

  2. Map ORDER-NUMBER and PAYMENT-TYPE to direction IN. See IDL mapping function Map to In, Out, InOut.

  3. Map PAYMENT-VALIDITY to direction OUT. See IDL mapping function Map to In, Out, InOut.

Restriction: It is not possible to ungroup COBOL data items with the OCCURS clause (IDL arrays).