Components that Support Application Monitoring

You can monitor distributed application scenarios for transport methods TCP/IP or SSL that make use of the following components:

Component z/OS Linux Windows z/VSE BS2000 Comment
  EntireX Broker x x x   x See Dynamic Configuration and Setup for EntireX Broker.
EntireX Adapter   x x     See Dynamic Configuration and Setup for EntireX Adapter.
Clients Listener for XML/SOAP x x x      
Java RPC Client x x x      
.NET RPC Client     x      
Natural RPC Client (1) x x x  
COBOL RPC Client x     x    
C RPC Client   x x      
Servers EntireX RPC Servers x x x     All EntireX RPC servers support Application Monitoring. See EntireX RPC Servers.
Natural RPC Server (1) x x    


  1. For z/OS, make sure the EXX load library is part of your steplib chain. We recommend using stub NATETB23 for all of your Natural RPC environments and a Natural configuration allowing a dynamic load of the stub. This can be achieved by using the following Natural parameters:

    If your broker stub is statically included, you will need to relink your Natural nucleus.