This document describes major new features and enhancements in EntireX version 10.1:
EntireX now runs under the following additional platforms:
Windows Server 2016
z/OS version 2.3
See Platform Coverage for full list of supported platforms.
COBOL Server using Fixed-length Tables in Variable Manner
Support for COBOL server programs that process a variable number of array elements in a fixed-size COBOL table has been extended.
This affects the IDL Extractor for COBOL together with the RPC Server for CICS, the EntireX Adapter, the RPC Server for CICS ECI and the RPC Server for IMS Connect.
In addition to the existing approach of using the COBOL interface length, which is transferred in a technical parameter (LL
, etc. ...),
the contents of a COBOL data item can now be used to calculate the current number of array elements.
This COBOL data item can contain the message length, array length or the number of array elements directly.
For more information see Set Arrays (Fixed <-> Unbounded) for interface type DFHCOMMAREA (In same as Out, In different to Out) | Large Buffer (In same as Out, In different to Out) | Channel Container | IMS Connect | COBOL Converter (In same as Out, In different to Out).
Interface Type COBOL Converter
A new interface type COBOL Converter has been introduced in the IDL Extractor for COBOL.
This interface type is used together with the COBOL Converter connection type of the EntireX Adapter to convert Integration Server data structures
from/to a byte array representing COBOL binary data.
See Integration Server Wrapper on how to generate adapter services for the COBOL Converter and Converting IS Data Structures with the COBOL Converter in the EntireX Adapter documentation for more information.
IBM i (AS/400) COBOL Extraction
COBOL computational data items extracted for AS/400 are mapped to IDL type P (packed decimal) instead of IDL type I (integer).
See COBOL Data Type to Software AG IDL Mapping.
IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Support
EntireX RPC client and server components now support IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V6.1, in addition to the versions 4.2 and
5.1 supported in earlier versions of EntireX.
Installing EntireX using Command Central
EntireX can now also be installed using Command Central instead of the Software AG Installer. See Installing EntireX using Command Central.
EntireX now supports template-based provisioning with Command Central. Using templates within Command Central you can install EntireX and - at the same time - add instances such as EntireX Broker and multiple RPC servers on local and remote hosts. Sample templates are provided under Template-based Provisioning in the General Installation documentation.
Administering RPC Servers using Command Central
Multiple EntireX RPC servers can be administered using Command Central. See
Administering the EntireX RPC Server for C | CICS Socket Listener | .NET | IMS Connect | Java | IBM MQ | XML/SOAP using the Command Central GUI
Administering the EntireX RPC Server for C | CICS Socket Listener | .NET | IMS Connect | Java | IBM MQ | XML/SOAP using the Command Central Command Line
Administering EntireX Broker using Command Central
With this version the names of some parameters for configuring and administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central
command line have changed.
See Administering EntireX Broker using the Command Central Command Line.
The structure of EntireX preference pages in the EntireX Workbench has been simplified.
It is now more compact with the most commonly used target environments - COBOL, Integration Server, Natural, PL/I and Web
Services - on the first level relative to EntireX preference page.
From preference page EntireX > Wrappers you can navigate to all wrappers.
See newly designed preference pages for COBOL | Integration Server | Natural | PL/I | Web Services.
IDL Extractor for Integration Server and Integration Server Wrapper
When the Extractor or the Wizard either creates a new connection or updates an existing connection,
both the list of connection types and connections are now filtered.
Connection types that require a license are only shown if a corresponding license file is available.
Reliable RPC connections are only shown if all IDL programs contain only IN parameters.
Also, if a server mapping file is available, only those connection types that support the interface type specified in the
server mapping file are shown.
CVM/SVM Handling
Client-side mapping files (CVM) are now default in the Designer. As server-side mapping files (SVM) will be dropped in a future
we strongly recommend using client-side mapping files. These are easier to use and do not require any deployment on your server.
Support for CVM files for platforms BS2000 and z/VSE will be introduced in a future version.
New RPC Server for AS/400
The new EntireX RPC Server for IBM® AS/400® enables you to remotely call server programs written in all ILE-based languages,
for example C, COBOL, RPG. More info
This new RPC server replaces the existing RPC Server for IBM i of EntireX version 7.1.1 running under IBM i (AS/400), which will no longer be supported in the next version of EntireX.
RPC Server for CICS Abend Handling
As of version 10.1, the exit for the CICS RPC abend handling is no longer delivered in the LOAD module of the z/OS installation.
The exit is assembled from the CEEWUCHA
source delivered with the z/OS LE sample library CEE.SCEESAMP.
The install job EXPINSTA delivered on EXX108.JOBS has a step that assembles the CEEWUCHA
User Exit for Additional HTTP Headers with RPC Server for XML/SOAP
A new user exit allows you to add HTTP headers before an RPC call, or to add an HTTP header to an optional retry call. See
User Exit to Set Additional HTTP Headers under Locating and Calling the Target Server in the RPC Server for XML/SOAP documentation.
Configuration Parameter entirex.server.verbose
The configuration parameters entirex.server.verbose
and entirex.bridge.verbose
previously used by multiple servers and listeners are no longer available.
Verbose logging is now enabled whenever the configuration parameter entirex.trace
has a value greater than 0.
COBOL Server using Fixed-length Tables in Variable Manner
The EntireX Adapter - together with the IDL Extractor for COBOL - supports additional approaches of a COBOL server that process a variable number of array elements in a fixed-size COBOL
table (array).
See also COBOL Integration Enhancements.
New Interface Type AS/400 Connection
The new interface type AS/400 connection enables you to remotely call server programs written in all ILE-based languages,
for example C, COBOL, RPG. See Connection Parameters for AS/400 Connections.
Alternative Mapping of IDL Data Types to Integration Server Data Types
IDL data types can now be mapped to non-string Integration Server data types. The main use case is to support JSON document
types in Integration Server.
See Integration Server Data Types to IDL Mapping in the EntireX Adapter documentation and Mapping IDL Data Types to IS Data Types in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
[Provided with Fix 1 for EntireX Adapter version 9.12]
EntireX Adapter License File Handling
The license file specified in the Adapter license administration is renamed by the Adapter to 'license.entirex.xml' and copied
to the IntegrationServer/instances/<instance_name>/config directory.
The name and location of this file can no longer be changed as in earlier EntireX Adapter versions. See License Information in the EntireX Adapter documentation.
EntireX Broker has a reworked mechanism for character conversion. Incorrect configurations (e.g. RPC communication without character conversion configured) are detected. In these cases the configuration defined in the broker attribute file is not used and a warning message is written to the broker's log file. Adapt your broker attribute file to avoid the message. For details, see Broker's Mechanism for Choosing the Character Conversion Approach under Introduction to Internationalization.
The mechanism is active if the version of the RPC server component is the following (or later):
EntireX RPC Server (z/OS CICS, z/OS Batch, z/OS IMS, Micro Focus, C, .NET) 9.10
EntireX RPC Server (Java, CICS ECI, IMS Connect, XML/SOAP, RPC-ACI, IBM MQ) 9.9
EntireX Adapter 9.9
Natural RPC Server (Mainframe 8.2.7, Open Systems 8.4.1)
The C Wrapper and the DCOM Wrapper now support Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
The scenarios Calling Integration Server from COBOL and Calling Integration Server from Natural have been thoroughly reworked and expanded.
Unique Message ID
With ACI version 11 and above, all messages sent to the broker are given a unique message ID. This message ID is useful for
tracking individual messages in the trace and log files.
See Unique Message ID under Broker ACI Functions.
is required to save and restore message IDs of persistent data.
Postpone Units of Work
Service-specific attributes POSTPONE-ATTEMPTS
have been added
to postpone processing of UOWs that have been cancelled by the receiver. The UOWs are moved to the postpone queue instead
of being deleted. See Postponing Units of Work under Using Persistence and Units of Work in the platform-independent Administration documentation.
New SSL Port Default for Broker Administration Service
The default SSL port for the Broker Administration Service has changed from 57708 to 57808. See Overview of Executables and Port Numbers and Configuring the Administration Service under UNIX | Windows.
Support of 64-bit Time Values on z/OS
Broker attribute PSTORE-VERSION
now has a new version 5 to support 64-bit time values on z/OS. See PSTORE-VERSION
Improved Adabas PSTORE Handling
Adabas persistent store handling has been enhanced on all platforms. The new PSTORE version 5 offers significant improvement
in performance. See PSTORE-VERSION
We strongly recommend you use this version.
CIS Version 10
The new object UOW-STATISTICS
supplies important information on units of work per service.
has been added to control postponed units of work.
Consistent Handling of Duplicates in Broker Attribute File
With this release, additional checks are performed on service-specific attributes in the broker attribute file.
Duplicate entries are now detected and error message 00210035 is given.
This applies to the default definitions and the individual definitions in all DEFAULTS=SERVICES
This behavior is now consistent for all sections of the attribute file.
License File Handling
Under UNIX and Windows, the license file specified during installation is renamed by the Software AG Installer to "license.xml" and copied to the EntireX/config directory.
The name and location of this file can no longer be changed as in earlier EntireX versions. See also EntireX Adapter Enhancements.
Enhancement to the Broker Agent
You can now specify the address of the network interface on which the Broker Agent will listen.
See Using the Broker SSL Agent under UNIX | Windows and Using the TCP Agent under UNIX | Windows.
Java API Class BrokerService
The obsolete methods getEnvironment()
, setEnvironment(String)
, useCodePage()
and useCodePage(Boolean)
of the Java class BrokerService
have been deprecated. They will be removed with the next version of EntireX.
SSL/TLS Hostname Verification in Java Components
For all Java-based components that act as an SSL client, the hostname verification has been changed to conform to the RFC
2818 standard.
If the server certificate contains a subjectAltName
extension of type dNSName
this name is now used as the identity. Otherwise, the Common Name
field in the Subject
field of the certificate is used.
If only the Common Name
field should be used as before, the SSL parameter ignore_rfc_2818=yes
must be set in the Broker ID.
Broker Installation Verification
The broker verification programs BCOC
(client) and BCOS
(server) are delivered in executable form (binary, load module) only.
For more information see Sample Programs for Client (BCOC
) and Server (BCOS
) in the z/OS | UNIX | Windows | BS2000 installation documentation.
Warning of Connection Shortage
Broker will issue a message if the defined percentage value of TCP/IP connections (available file descriptors) is exceeded.
The default value is 90 percent of available file descriptors.
This value can be changed with broker attribute