webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Dynamic Process Injection in Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Setting Design-Time Breakpoints for Process Models
Setting Design-Time Breakpoints for Process Models
Breakpoints can be added to steps in a process model at design-time in Software AG Designer. When a breakpoint is added to a specific step in the process model, the process instance execution will result in a pause at that specific step for every process instance of the process model. Breakpoints set in a process model in Designer can only be removed from the process model in Designer.
* To add a breakpoint to a step in a process model
1. Edit your process model in the Dynamic Process Development perspective in Designer.
2. Select a step to add a breakpoint to.
3. Go to Properties > General and select the Breakpoint checkbox.
4. Save your changes.
5. Upload the process model.

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