webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Dynamic Process Injection in Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Dynamic Process Injection in Dynamic Business Orchestrator
Setting Design-Time Breakpoints for Process Models
Dynamic Business Orchestrator can dynamically execute process models by using dynamic process injection.
Dynamic process Injection enables you to redirect the process execution to a dynamic call activity and return to the original point of redirection.
When you use dynamic process injection, the status of a paused step is changed to Redirected and the process instance status is changed to Running while the call activity is executing. When the call activity completes, the resulting pipeline is merged at the original paused step. At this point, there are two possibilities for the original paused step:
*The step status is changed to Paused and the process instance status is changed to Needs-Attention.
*The step automatically executes with the updated pipeline. The step status is changed to Running and the process instance status is changed to Running.
Injecting a process from a failed step does not allow step execution to automatically continue on return. A failed step remains in failed state and the process instance status is changed to Needs-Attention.

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