webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Controlling Process Instances | Changing the Model Version of a Running Process Instance
Changing the Model Version of a Running Process Instance
You can change the model version of process instances that are currently with status of Running, Suspended or Needs-Attention.
Important: When changing the model version of a process instance, only the current process instance is affected by the change. Any future instances of the process model will continue to execute on the original model version.
* To change the model version of a running process instance:
1. In Business Console, on the Processes tab, select a process instance.
2. In the process instance details window, click the Actions drop-down menu.
3. Click Change model version.
4. Select a new model version.
Note: All process models that are known by Dynamic Business Orchestrator are displayed. This includes model versions that are not currently activated.
5. Click Change version.
For more information on model version upgrade, see Process Model Inflight Version Upgrade

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