webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Monitoring Process Instances | Process Model Inflight Version Upgrade
Process Model Inflight Version Upgrade
With Dynamic Business Orchestrator process models, you are able to upgrade the version of the process models inflight. To upgrade the version of a process model, the model must be operationally running, which means that the model has to be in one of the following statuses: Running, Suspended, Needs-Attention. Upgrading to a new model version is done in webMethods Monitor and affects the process models, not individual process instances. Upgrading the process model version is done in the Model Detail page or in the Business Processes page. After choosing Execution Enabled, you can activate the new process model version. If there are process models of a previous version that are operationally running, you are prompted to upgrade model versions. This gives you the following choices:
*Clicking YES results in all running models with previous versions to be upgraded to the model version you are activating. Any models that are already completed are not upgraded.
*Clicking NO results in no version change for already running processes and they continue to execute with their initial versions. All new process instances will start with the newly activated process model version.
When the version of a process model has been upgraded, the information for the model version and name of the model will be updated in the Dynamic Business Orchestrator user interface for every affected process instance. Process models show in the Process details header any previously run versions.
Note: Even if any steps are removed with the upgraded model version, all steps that have already run are listed in the step summary table and the step name is matched to the last uploaded version of the model that has this step. Any steps that are removed with process version upgrade are only listed in the step summary table and not shown on the Process Diagram.

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