webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Migrating Classic BPM Process Models to Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Using the Migration Report View
Using the Migration Report View
Migration Report Contents
Once you migrate a 9.x process model to a 10.x Dynamic Business Orchestrator process, the Migration Report View gives you information on the migration. The top section of the migration report view provides the following information:
*Location of the source business process
*Workspace path of the migrated Dynamic Business Process
*Location of the migration report
Each field is a clickable link that takes you to the corresponding item.
The migration file name includes the name of the process being migrated as well as a date-timestamp of the migration. For example, the file name loopContainer_MigrationReport2018_08_03 021140PM.log indicates that the process “loopContainer” was migrated on August 3, 2018 at 2:11:40PM.
Note: Editing the migration report file updates the operating system timestamp for the file. This allows for a better tracking of the migration timeline.
You can clear the migration report by clicking the Clear Report Viewer button:
Migration projects are usually ongoing. In such cases you can open a previous migration report by clicking the Import Report button:

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