webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring Central User Management | Adding My webMethods Users to the Monitor Access Control Lists
Adding My webMethods Users to the Monitor Access Control Lists
* To add My webMethods users to the Monitor Access Control Lists (ACLs)
1. In Integration Server Administrator for the Integration Server that hosts the WmMonitor package: Security > ACLs.
2. In the Select ACL field, click MonitorAdministrators ACL.
3. Click Add under the Allowed list to view the current groups in the Select Role/Group dialog box.
4. In the Provider field, click Central.
5. Type an asterisk (*) in the Search field and then click Go to populate the list of roles and groups.
6. Click My webMethods Users to add that role to the Allowed list.
7. In the Select ACL field, select MonitorUsers ACL.
8. Repeat steps 3 - 6 to add the My webMethods Users role to the MonitorUsers ACL.
9. Click Save Changes.

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