webMethods Dynamic Business Orchestrator 10.3 | Configuring Dynamic Business Orchestrator | Configuring Central User Management
Configuring Central User Management
Verifying the Configuration of Central User Management in Integration Server
Adding My webMethods Users to the Monitor Access Control Lists
Customizing How Monitor Sets Up ACLs When Using Central User Management
If you want My webMethods users to perform Monitor tasks using their My webMethods user name and password, you must enable and configure central user management. With central user management, when a My webMethods user issues a Monitor request, My webMethods Server invokes a service in the WmMonitor package on Integration Server to handle the request.
The service is invoked using the user name and password of the requesting user, and Integration Server authenticates the user. If the user name and password do not match an Integration Server user, Integration Server uses central user management to authenticate the user.
For complete information about enabling and configuring central user management, see the PDF publication webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. Central user management may already be configured in your environment. If not, follow the instructions in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide to enable and configure it.
Note: If you do not use central user management, you must ensure that each Monitor user defined in My webMethods has a corresponding user account defined in Integration Server.

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