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acceptsURL(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Retrieves whether the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL.


com.softwareag.evp.jdbc - package com.softwareag.evp.jdbc
com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader - package com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Attempts to make a database connection to the given URL.


DriverLoader - Interface in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
Internal interface that all driver loader classes must provide.
DriverLoaderException - Exception in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
DriverLoaderException() - Constructor for exception com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.DriverLoaderException


EsDriverLoaderV232 - Class in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
EsDriverLoaderV232() - Constructor for class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV232
EsDriverLoaderV564 - Class in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
EsDriverLoaderV564() - Constructor for class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV564
EvpDataSource - Class in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc
Primary implementation of a JDBC DataSource for Event Persistence.
EvpDataSource() - Constructor for class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
EvpDriver - Class in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc
Primary implementation of a JDBC Driver for Event Persistence.
EvpDriver() - Constructor for class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver


getConnection() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.
getDataSourceInstance(Properties) - Method in interface com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.DriverLoader
Return the data source instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDataSourceInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV232
Return the data source instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDataSourceInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV564
Return the data source instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDataSourceInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.HiveDriverLoaderV530
Return the data source instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDriverInstance(Properties) - Method in interface com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.DriverLoader
Return the driver instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDriverInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV232
Return the driver instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDriverInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV564
Return the driver instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getDriverInstance(Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.HiveDriverLoaderV530
Return the driver instance loading the run-time libraries as needed.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database.
getLogWriter() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Retrieves the log writer for this DataSource object.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Retrieves the driver's major version number.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Gets the driver's minor version number.
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Return the parent Logger of all the Loggers used by this data source.
getParentLogger() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Return the parent Logger of all the Loggers used by this driver.
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Gets information about the possible properties for this driver.
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in interface com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.DriverLoader
Provide the caller a list of properties that must be provided to connect to the appropriate driver implementation.
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV232
Provide the caller a list of properties that must be provided to connect to the appropriate driver implementation.
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.EsDriverLoaderV564
Provide the caller a list of properties that must be provided to connect to the appropriate driver implementation.
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.HiveDriverLoaderV530
Provide the caller a list of properties that must be provided to connect to the appropriate driver implementation.


HiveDriverLoaderV530 - Class in com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader
HiveDriverLoaderV530() - Constructor for class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.loader.HiveDriverLoaderV530


isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Returns true if this either implements the interface argument or is directly or indirectly a wrapper for an object that does.


jdbcCompliant() - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDriver
Reports whether this driver is a genuine JDBC Compliant™ driver.


setDatabaseURL(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setInstallDir(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setKeystore(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setKeystorePassword(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Sets the log writer for this DataSource object to the given object.
setTruststore(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setTruststorePassword(String) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
setUseSSL(boolean) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource


unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.softwareag.evp.jdbc.EvpDataSource
Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy.
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