About Default Task Portlets
When you create a task, you implement much of its functionality by defining portlets within the task. When you use the task wizard to create the task, you have the option of:
Adding default portlets to the task.
Adding customizable versions of the default portlets to the task.
Omitting any of the selectable default portlets.
You can also create a task containing no portlets, if you want to build the task entirely on your own. When you create a task with the task wizard, a task view (Task Details) portlet is selected for creation by default (this behavior can be disabled in the
Designer preferences). You can specify preferences for creating other portlets by default as well; for more information, see
Setting Task Development Preferences.
Default task portlets are created with JSF 1.x-based .view files, even if you create the project as a JSF 2.x task application. You can migrate these .view files to .xhtml files with JSF 2.x support. For more information, see
Migrating Task Projects and .view Files to
JSF 2.x Format.
When you select the default portlets at creation time, the resulting task has many of the standard features that most developers would want to include in a task, and it can be immediately published to the run-time environment for viewing. You can then modify the portlets to your custom needs, instead of having to start with an empty portlet.
However, much of the portlet content is fixed as part of the default portlet configuration and cannot be modified. For example, if you want to modify the Task Details View portlet that creates the Details View tab in the task interface, that page is not available to you in the task editor. When you create a task with all of the available portlets selected in default mode, your task is populated with the following portlets:
By selecting the Customizable option for a portlet when creating a task, the internal pages are broken out and provided as separate portlets. In addition to the default portlets listed above, the following portlets are made available:
You can also choose the None option for each available portlet, which excludes it from the task. You can also create an empty task containing no portlets by clearing all of the Generate default... options in the New Task wizard.
If you do choose not to add a portlet at creation time, you can add it later as described in
Adding a New Portlet to a Task.
For more information about selecting portlet options, see
Creating a New Task with the Task
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