Designer 10.5 | Centrasite Eclipse UI Help | Getting Started | Connecting to CentraSite
Connecting to CentraSite
The first task you carry out in the CentraSite Eclipse GUI is to connect to the CentraSite registry and repository with which you want to work.
The following information is required for establishing a connection to a CentraSite registry and repository:
*The URL of the XML configuration file for the CentraSite registry and repository, for example, http://myserver:53305/INMConfiguration/INMConfiguration.xml. The appropriate URL is generated automatically when you specify the name or IP address of the server where the registry and repository are installed.
When publishing to CentraSite from the CentraSite Eclipse GUI, errors can occur due to network settings. If you observe such problems, use machine names instead of IP addresses, and ensure that these machine names are included in the proxy bypass list of the Eclipse environment (General > Network Connections).
*User name and password.
You are prompted for this information to create a connection to the CentraSite registry before navigating to perspectives. After you have entered the information, the connection to the CentraSite registry and repository is established, and you can work on their contents.
The connection information is stored in a so-called connection configuration in your Eclipse workspace. You can create and maintain any number of connection configurations, for example, in order to connect to registries and repositories on different servers or with different user names. One of the connection configurations must be marked as the default configuration. It is used each time you start working with the CentraSite Eclipse GUI. The connection configuration that you create when you use the CentraSite Eclipse GUI for the first time is automatically made the first default configuration. The Registry Explorer view displays the configuration that is currently used behind the top entry in the view.
When you create a connection configuration, you can choose to save a password. If you do so for the default configuration, the connection to the corresponding registry and repository is established automatically when you start working with the Eclipse GUI. If you do not save a password, you are prompted for it.
Passwords are saved in the Eclipse secure store (see the Eclipse Workbench User Guide for details).
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