Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Publishing and Retracting Metadata for IS and TN Assets | Available IS and TN Assets
Available IS and TN Assets
You can publish and retract metadata for Integration Server (IS) assets, IS administrative assets, and Trading Networks (TN) document types to and from the CentraSite shared registry. IS administrative assets include Adapter connections, Broker connections, and JMS connection aliases. By publishing metadata, you make these assets available to other CentraSite users for activities such as search, documentation, reuse, and impact analysis.
The following table lists the Integration Server and Trading Networks assets that you can publish and retract, and how they are mapped to CentraSite assets.
Integration Server Asset
CentraSite Asset
.NET service
IS service
Adapter connection
IS connection
Adapter notification
IS type definition
Adapter service
IS service
Blaze rule service
IS service
Broker connection
IS connection
C service
IS service
Document type (IS document type and XML document type)
IS type definition
Flat file dictionary
IS type definition
Flat file schema
IS type definition
Flow service
IS service
Integration Server
IS server
Java service
IS service
JMS connection alias
IS connection
JMS trigger
IS routing rule
Map service
IS service
IS package
REST resource
IS service interface
You cannot publish REST V2 resources to CentraSite.
IS type definition
IS specification
TN document type
TN document type
Web service connector
IS service
Web service descriptor
IS service interface
webMethods messaging trigger
IS routing rule
XML field
IS type definition
XSLT service
IS service
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