Designer 10.5 | webMethods Service Development Help | Publishing and Retracting Metadata for IS and TN Assets | Publishing and Retracting Metadata | Usage Notes for IS Assets
Usage Notes for IS Assets
Keep the following information in mind when publishing and retracting metadata for IS assets:
*You cannot retract a published asset that is referenced by another published asset until the asset that established the reference is retracted. For example, suppose that you publish a process (processA), that uses an IS service (serviceA). Then, you publish the package (packageA) that contains serviceA. Because processA depends on an asset in packageA, you can only retract packageA (and any of its contents) after you retract processA. If you change processA so that it no longer references serviceA and republish processA, you can retract packageA.
*Uninstalling Integration Server can cause any published Integration Server assets to become unreferenced, or orphaned. Retract any published Integration Server assets before uninstalling the Integration Server that contains those assets.
*If a published IS asset is in pending state in CentraSite, retracting the package that contains the IS asset results in an orphaned asset in CentraSite. For example, suppose that you published a package containing an IS service to CentraSite. If you change the life cycle state of the IS service asset to “Deploy” and then retract the package while the state change is pending, the IS service asset is not deleted when the package is retracted. The IS service asset becomes an orphaned asset in CentraSite.
*CentraSite only establishes the “Uses” relationship between the IS Service Interface asset created for a consumer Web service descriptor and the Service asset created for a web service if the Service asset exists in CentraSite before you publish the consumer Web service descriptor.
If you create the web service asset in CentraSite by importing its WSDL after publishing the consumer Web service descriptor, republish the consumer Web service descriptor to establish the “Uses” relationship between the IS Service Interface asset created for the Web service descriptor and the Service asset created for the web service.
*You can use the scheduler capabilities within Integration Server to schedule the pub.metadata.assets:publishPackages service to publish information about Integration Server packages and administrative assets to CentraSite. The pub.metadata.assets:publishPackages service publishes metadata to CentraSite using Integration Server credentials. For more information about configuring CentraSite credentials on Integration Server, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. For more information about scheduling services, see webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
*To establish the correct relationships between Web service descriptors created from WSDL documents and the CentraSite Service asset, use the New wizard in Designer to create the Web service descriptor and select CentraSite as the source location. If you create a Web service descriptor from a WSDL in CentraSite through the UDDI registry or directly from a file or URL, the “Uses” and “Implements” relationships will not be established between the Web service descriptor and the CentraSite service asset.
*If you intend to change the compatibility mode of a Web service descriptor for which you published metadata to CentraSite, first retract metadata for the Web service descriptor. Next, change the compatibility mode. Finally, republish metadata for the Web service descriptor to CentraSite.
*Each asset in CentraSite has a “Deployed On” property that identifies each Integration Server from which an asset with that name has been published. However, the Integration Servers might have published different versions of the same asset or completely different assets that happen to have the same name. In CentraSite, it will appear as if both Integration Servers published the exact same asset. CentraSite will maintain the asset that was most recently published.
For example, suppose that Integration Server1 publishes a service named myService. CentraSite creates an IS service asset with the name myService and a “Deployed On” property value of Integration Server1. Later, Integration Server2 also publishes a service named myService but the service published by Integration Server2 is not identical to the service published by Integration Server1. CentraSite will update the IS service asset to represent the myService service published Integration Server2. CentraSite also updates the “Deployed On” property value to be: Integration Server1, Integration Server2. CentraSite indicates that both Integration Servers published an identical asset when, in fact, they did not.
When an Integration Server retracts an asset, CentraSite removes that Integration Server from the “Deployed On” property for the CentraSite asset. If the asset is not deployed on another Integration Server, CentraSite removes the asset. If the asset is deployed on another Integration Server, the asset remains in CentraSite. The content of the CentraSite asset will be the asset that was most recently published. This might result in a CentraSite asset whose content does not represent the IS asset that was published by the Integration Server listed in the “Deployed On” property.
To continue the above example in which Integration Server1 and then Integration Server2 published different versions of services named myService, if Integration Server2 retracts myService, CentraSite removes Integration Server2 from the “Deployed On” property value. However, the content of the myService asset in CentraSite represents the myService asset published by Integration Server2 because Integration Server2 published the asset most recently. This results in CentraSite indicating that the myService asset published by Integration Server2 is deployed on Integration Server1.
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