Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Governance Project | Policies | Action: Include Timestamps
Action: Include Timestamps
Dependency requirement: A policy that includes this action must also include all of the following actions: Require SSL, Require Signing and Require Encryption.
This action requires that timestamps be included in the request header. This action supports WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 and cannot be used with REST virtual services or connector virtual services.
CloudStreams checks the timestamp value against the current time to ensure that the request is not an old message, which serves to protect your system against attempts at message tampering, such as replay attacks.
CloudStreams rejects the request if either of the following things happen:
*CloudStreams receives a timestamp that exceeds the time defined by the timestamp element.
*A timestamp element is not included in the request.
There are no input parameters.
Related Topics
Create a New Policy Wizard
General Properties View (Policy)
Action: Require Encryption
Action: Require Signing
Action: Require SSL