Designer 10.5 | Cloudstreams Development Help | CloudStreams Governance Project | Policies | General Properties View (Policy)
General Properties View (Policy)
To edit General properties, click the policy name in the CloudStreams Governance view.
(Read-only field.) The policy name. You can change the name by right-clicking it in the Policies folder and clicking Rename.
(Read-only field). Indicates whether the policy is Active or Inactive. To activate/deactivate the policy, right-click the policy name in the CloudStreams Governance view and click Active or Inactive. You will not be allowed to activate the policy unless all of its action parameters have been set.
Virtual Service Type
(Read-only field). Virtual Service or Connector Virtual Service.
You can change the description.
Click the button next to this field to change the criteria for the services to which the policy applies. (Alternatively, right-click the policy name in the Policies folder and click Criteria.)
In the Criteria dialog box that appears, specify the criteria as follows:
1. In the Criteria field, specify a value (SOAP or REST) for the Service Type attribute. That is, specify whether the policy should apply to all SOAP services or all REST services.
2. Click the plus button next to the Criteria field to add a new row, and choose another criteria attribute (Name or Description) and choose an operator and value for it. For example, specify whether the policy should apply to all SOAP services that equals, starts with or contains the prefix Abc_.
3. Repeat step 2 if desired to specify additional criteria.
4. If you specify multiple criteria, use the Condition field to connect the criteria by the AND or OR operator. The default operator is AND.
Related Topics
Create a New Policy Wizard