webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Overview
To configure automatic projects, you provide the necessary specifications for automated project creation in an XML file. This chapter describes the tags you can specify in the file. Only the root tag and the tag that identifies Deployer are required in the XML file.
Sample XML files are provided in the Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/packages/WmDeployer/config directory. There are two files: ProjectAutomatorSampleForRepository.xml provides an example of a repository-based automated project, and ProjectAutomatorSampleForRuntime.xml shows a sample runtime-based automated project. You can also export a project you created in the GUI for use in Project Automator. For more information about exporting a project from the GUI, see Exporting Projects for Use in Project Automator.
For complete contextual information about the features that each tag relates to, see the GUI chapters in this guide.

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