webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Exporting Projects for Use in Project Automator
Exporting Projects for Use in Project Automator
After you create a project in the GUI, you can export the project to a specification XML file that you can then use to automate your project. You specify the data to include in the specification XML file. You can export the alias, deployment set, build, map, and deployment candidate definitions associated with the project.
* Exporting projects from the GUI
1. Go to the Tools > Export to Project Automator page.
2. Complete the following fields:
Select the project to export.
Export Alias Definition
Optional. Click to export all of the alias definitions for the source and targets associated with the project.
Export Deployment and Deletion Set Definition
Optional. Click to export all of the deployment and deletion set definitions associated with the project. Exported deployment and deletion sets include the definition set and all of the associated assets.
Export Build Definition
Optional. Click to export all of the build definitions associated with the project.
Export Map Definition
Optional. Click to export all of the map definitions associated with the project. The map definition includes all target servers, target groups, and clusters that are part of the deployment map.
Export Deployment Candidate Definition
Optional. Click to export all of the deployment candidate definitions associated with the project.
3. Click Export to Project Automator.
Deployer exports the project specification XML file to the following location:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/packages/WmDeployer/replicate/outbound/projectName_ProjectAutomator.xml
Where projectName is the name of the project.

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