webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Automating Project Creation | Identifying Deployer
Identifying Deployer
You identify the Deployer on which you will perform the project tasks in the <DeployerServer> tag. The <DeployerServer> tag enables you to specify the values required to log on to the Integration Server that hosts the Deployer.
The following example shows how to use this tag:
Server host name or IP address

OR <pwdHandle>handle</pwdHandle>

The following table describes the attributes you can specify in the <DeployerServer> tag.
Host name or IP address of the server.
User name of the server.
Password of the server. You must specify either pwd or pwdHandle.
Note: Project Automator encrypts passwords the first time it runs. If you must change the passwords in the future, change the passwords in the XML file and run Project Automator to encrypt the passwords again.
The password handle. You must specify either pwd or pwdHandle. For more information about creating a password handle, see Using Handles Instead of Passwords.

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