webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Mapping a Project | Substituting Configuration Values | Substituting Configuration Values by Target Server (Repository-Based)
Substituting Configuration Values by Target Server (Repository-Based)
Perform the following steps to substitute configuration values by target server for repository-based deployment projects.
* To substitute configuration values by target server for a repository-based project
1. On the project > Map page, in the Configured column, click .
Deployer opens a new page that displays target servers and target groups that are mapped to the deployment set.
2. In the project > deployment map > Target Servers pane, select the target servers for which you want to substitute values.
Deployer lists the composites that have configuration values in the center of the Configurable Composites pane.
3. Click the composite for which you want to substitute asset values.
Deployer displays the assets in the right-hand of the Configurable Components pane.
4. Click the assets in the Name (Implementation Type) column of the Configurable Components pane.
Note: You can select more than one asset at a time.
Deployer displays the configuration values as they exist on the repository in the Target Substitutions and Source Values pane. If you selected multiple assets, Deployer displays the common properties but not source values.
Note: Select the Allow Empty Values option in the Target Substitutions and Source Values pane if you want to save empty values for the properties.
5. In the bottom of the Target Substitutions and Source Values pane, type the configuration values to substitute.
6. Click Save Substitutions to save the substitutions, or Restore Defaults to clear the changes you made.
Note: If the selected composites or the property value of the component is different across the selected servers, Deployer does not show any property value and the value field is enclosed by a red border. This occurs if multiple target servers are selected for variable substitution and the property value is different across different servers.

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