webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Mapping a Project | Substituting Configuration Values
Substituting Configuration Values
Substituting Configuration Values by Asset
Substituting Configuration Values by Target Server (Runtime-Based)
Substituting Configuration Values by Target Server (Repository-Based)
Some assets might be configured differently on the source server (for runtime-based deployment) or repository (for repository-based deployment) than on the target server. You use Deployer to substitute different configuration values for assets during deployment so the assets will run properly on the target servers.
For example, as part of the deployment map for an IS & TN deployment set, you can specify configuration values for Integration Server assets that you want Deployer to substitute during deployment so the assets will run properly on target servers. Suppose an Integration Server in a development environment has a file polling port that is configured to monitor the C:\TEMP directory. You want to deploy this port to a production Integration Server on a Solaris system and have the port poll the /tmp directory instead. In the deployment map, you would specify a substitute configuration value of /tmp directory for the port. You can substitute different configuration values for scheduled tasks, ports, adapter connections, adapter notifications, and extended settings. You can substitute different configuration values for different target servers.
You can substitute configuration values as follows:
If you are creating a...
You can substitute configuration values by...
Runtime-based deployment project
Repository-based deployment project

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