Exporting and Importing a Map
You can export the deployment map from one Deployer environment and import to another Deployer environment. For example, you can export a map from the Deployer in your development environment to the Deployer in your testing environment. You must ensure that all target aliases in the test Deployer are the same as those in the development Deployer.
Before you import a map, you can edit any of the attributes (for example, you could map a deployment set to a different target server).
To export and import a map
1. Export a map as follows:
a. In the source Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects > project > Map page.
b. Locate the map to export and click in the map's Export column. Deployer creates a file that contains the deployment map. The file is named project_map.map and is stored in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\ WmDeployer\replicate\outbound directory. Deployer also allows you to save the file to your local file system. 3. Import the map as follows:
a. Copy the project_map.map file to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\inbound directory on the machine that hosts the target Deployer.
b. In the target Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects >project > Map page.
c. Click Import Map, then select the project_map.map file you just copied to the inbound directory.