webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | Map Commands | Editing a Deployment Map, Project Properties, or Substitute Configuration Values
Editing a Deployment Map, Project Properties, or Substitute Configuration Values
After you export a deployment map or substitute configuration values, you can edit the resulting file before importing it into the other environment. For example, if you want to map a deployment set to a different target server, you could change the targetServer alias attribute to reflect the new target server name.
You can open a deployment map or substitute configuration value file using any XML editor. A deployment map file has the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DeploymentMap description="description of map" mapName="mapSetName"
  <DeploymentSet name="deploymentSetName"  pluginType="pluginType">
    <targetGroup alias="targetGroupName"/>
    <targetServer alias="targetServerAlias"/>
To specify an additional target server, target group, or deployment set in the same deployment map, repeat the attribute for each addition. For example, a deployment set that is mapped to multiple target servers is defined as follows:
  <DeploymentSet name="deploymentsetA" pluginType="MWS">
    <targetGroup alias="<targetGroupName>"/>
    <targetServer alias="server1"/>
    <targetServer alias="server2"/>
    <targetServer alias="server3"/>

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