webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Defining a Deletion Set | Adding Assets to a Deletion Set | Adding Assets to a Repository-Based Deletion Set
Adding Assets to a Repository-Based Deletion Set
ActiveTransfer Asset Dependencies in Deletion Sets
Perform the following procedure to add assets to a repository-based deletion set.
* To add assets to a repository-based deletion set
1. In the Deletion Sets area, under the deletion set to which to add assets, click the server () that contains assets you want to add to the deletion set.
2. In the Select Assets or Asset Components area in the right-hand pane, expand the tree to display the assets on the servers and select the check box next to each asset to add to the deletion set.
3. Click Save.
Deployer displays the assets you selected in the left-hand pane in the Deletion Sets area. The assets are grouped by asset categories. For example, Integration Server assets are grouped by isfile, ispackages, and so on.

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