webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Defining a Deletion Set | Adding Assets to a Deletion Set | Adding Assets to a Repository-Based Deletion Set | ActiveTransfer Asset Dependencies in Deletion Sets
ActiveTransfer Asset Dependencies in Deletion Sets
Before adding ActiveTransfer assets to deletion sets, consider these dependencies. Deletion of the assets in the deletion sets, also deletes the dependent assets for which Deployer displays a warning.
Server Instance
An ActiveTransfer Server instance also deletes all ports created for the instance.
Virtual File System
A parent virtual folder also deletes the child virtual folders.
User Template
A user template also deletes all associated users.
Partner Mapping
A partner also deletes all virtual folders associated with the partner.
In deletion sets, when you delete some assets, the asset associations are ignored.
Deleting This Asset...
Does Not Delete...
ActiveTransfer User
Any virtual folders or events associated with the user.
Partner Mapping
Any user or events associated with the partner.

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