webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers | Editing Properties for Source and Target Servers
Editing Properties for Source and Target Servers
Use the following procedure to edit the properties for webMethods source and target servers.
Note: For Integration Server and Trading Networks remote server aliases, you can edit only the Version property using Deployer. You can edit all other properties for Integration Server and Trading Networks remote server aliases using Integration Server Administrator. For more information about editing remote server aliases, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. For information about refreshing Integration Server and Trading Networks remote server aliases in Deployer, see step 4 in Connecting to Integration Servers and Trading Networks Servers.
* Editing source and target server properties
1. In Deployer, go to the Servers > server page.
2. To edit the version of the server, select the version of the server hosting the source or target from the Version box and click Save. You can edit the version for more than one server at a time.
For information about selecting the version of the server, see Connecting to webMethods Servers.
3. To edit additional server properties, click the name of the server to edit.
Deployer displays the server properties in the right-hand pane.
4. Edit the fields for the server as necessary.
5. Click Save.

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