webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Starting Deployer and Connecting to Servers | Connecting to webMethods Servers | Connecting to Integration Servers and Trading Networks Servers
Connecting to Integration Servers and Trading Networks Servers
All connections you create for Integration Servers and Trading Networks servers are remote server aliases. A remote server alias contains the connection information required to connect to a remote Integration Server or Trading Networks server. For more information about remote servers, and instructions on defining them, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
* To connect to source and target Integration Servers and Trading Networks servers
1. In Deployer, go to the Servers > IS & TN page.
2. Click Add Remote Server Alias.
Deployer opens the Integration Server Administrator to the Settings > Remote Servers > Create Alias page of the Integration Server that hosts Deployer.
3. In Integration Server Administrator, define the remote servers by completing the fields in the Remote Server Alias Properties area as described in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. You should define the following as remote servers:
*All source Integration Servers and Trading Networks servers.
*All target Integration Servers and Trading Networks servers.
*The Integration Server that hosts Deployer, if you will be using it as a source or target server (that is, define the Integration Server as a remote server to itself).
4. In Deployer, go to the Servers > IS & TN and click Refresh this Page.
Deployer displays the new server alias to the Remote Servers List area of the Servers > IS & TN page.
5. Select the version of the Integration Server hosting the source or target from the Version box.
For example, if the host Integration Server is running version 8.2 SP1, you would select 8.2. For information about selecting the version, see Connecting to webMethods Servers.
6. Install the WmDeployerResource package on each Integration Server.
The WmDeployerResource package is the implementation of the operation endpoints for Integration Server and Trading Networks. Install the package as follows:
a. In Deployer, go to the Servers > IS & TN page.
The page lists all Integration Servers you defined as remote servers.
b. In the Install column, select the check box next to each Integration Server on which you want to install the WmDeployerResource package.
c. Click Install.
7. Click Save.

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