Rebuilding the Index with the Build Script
If the index you created becomes corrupted or the repository index is accidentally deleted from the repository, you can use the createIndex command to recreate the index.
By default, the
createIndex command rebuilds the index in the location specified by the build.output.dir property you specified in
Setting the Properties for the Build. You can override the default repository path by specifying the path of the repository with the
-Drepo.dir command.
Note: When you follow this procedure to rebuild the index, the build script creates
only the index. To build the index, check out the asset sources, version the assets, and build the composites and descriptors in the repository, you must run the build script as described in
Running the Build Script and Rebuilding the
Run one of the following commands from the Software AG_directory \common\AssetBuildEnvironment\bin directory:
For this platform... | Run the following command... |
Windows | build.bat -Drepo.dir=repository_path createIndex |
UNIX | -Drepo.dir= repository_path createIndex |
Where repository_path is the full path of the repository directory. |
Note: If you do not specify a path for
-Drepo.dir, the build script indexes the repository specified by the build.output.dir property. For more information about the build.output.dir property, see
Setting the Properties for the Build.