webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Using Deployer Commands | General and Project Commands | Importing Project Properties
Importing Project Properties
Importing properties into a project overwrites the existing properties for that project.
Before you can import project properties, you must copy the exported project.properties file to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\inbound directory on the machine that hosts the target Deployer.
You can edit the properties before you import them (see Editing a Deployment Map, Project Properties, or Substitute Configuration Values). If you do, keep in mind the following:
*You can specify ALWAYS or NEVER for the overwrite property.
*You can specify REPLACE OR MERGE for the deployTNRules property.
*You can specify true, false, or selected for the stopTriggers property.
*You can specify true or false for all other properties.
If you specify a value for a property that is not allowed, Deployer resets the property to the default value when it imports the project properties.
Run the following command to import a project’s properties:
Note: You must have Administrator ACL authorization to run this command.
Deployer.{sh|bat} --setProjectProperties -project project
-projectFile properties_file
-host host -port port -user user_name -pwd password    
-project project
Project into which to import the properties.
-projectFile properties_file
Full path to the file that contains the properties to import. These files are named project.properties and are located in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\inbound directory.

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