webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building a Runtime-Based Deployment Project | Exporting and Importing a Build
Exporting and Importing a Build
You can export the build you want to deploy from the Deployer in one environment and import the build into the Deployer in another environment. The Deployer into which you import the build automatically creates the deployment project and deployment sets from the imported build. You can then map the imported build, or you can export a deployment map for the build from the Deployer in the source environment and import it into the target project. For more information about importing and exporting maps, see Exporting and Importing a Map.
* To export and import a build
1. Export a build as follows:
a. In the source Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects > project > Build page.
b. Locate the build to export and click in the build's Export column. Deployer creates a file that contains the build. The file is named projectName_ExportedBuild_buildName and is stored in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\outbound directory. Deployer also allows you to save the file to your local file system.
c. If you have previously exported a build of the same name, Deployer displays a dialog box confirming that you want to overwrite the existing build. Click OK to overwrite the existing build.
2. Import the build as follows:
Note: You can import builds that are exported from an older version of Deployer to a newer version of Deployer. But the assets present in the builds which are exported from an older version of Deployer may or may not get deployed. Even if the assets are deployed, the deployed assets may or may not function as expected.
a. Copy the projectName_ExportedBuild_buildName file to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmDeployer\replicate\inbound directory on the machine that hosts the target Deployer.
b. In the target Deployer, go to the Tools > Import Build page.
c. In the Project Build list, click the projectName_ExportedBuild_buildName file you just copied to the inbound directory.
d. Click Import.

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