webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building a Runtime-Based Deployment Project | Creating a Build
Creating a Build
* To create a build
1. In Deployer, go to the Deployer > Projects page.
2. If locking is enabled, in the Lock Status column for the project, click to lock the project.
3. In the Name column, click the project.
4. Click Build. Deployer displays the Projects > project > Build page and lists all builds that exist for the selected project.
The Status column on the Projects > project > Build page indicates whether each project build is in sync with the current project definition. If the build and the current project definition are in sync, the column shows . If the project definition has changed since the build was created, the column shows . You can rebuild such a project if you want. For instructions, see Rebuilding a Build.
To see the progress report of the current or last action, click in the Progress Report column. The progress report displays the updates for build requests as they occur. This is useful in the case where the deployment build takes a long time to finish.
5. In the left-hand pane, click Create Build.
6. In the Name box accept the default build name or replace it with a name that you choose. The name can be up to 32 characters long and cannot contain spaces or the following illegal characters:
$ ~ / \ # & @ ^ ! % * : ; , + = > < ‘ ’ "
7. In the Description box, you can type a description for the build. The description can be of any length and can include any characters.
8. Click Create.
Note: If the project for which you are trying to create the build contains unresolved dependencies, you will receive a message to that effect and the build process will fail. For instructions on displaying and resolving unresolved dependencies, see Resolving Dependencies.
9. To view the progress of the build, click the View Progress Report link. The progress report displays the updates for build requests as they occur. This is useful in the case where the deployment build takes a long time to finish.
10. Under Build History in the right-hand pane, click in the Report column to display the build report in HTML or XML.
The build report lists the assets that were successfully included in the build, describes any errors that occurred during the build process, and informs you if the project contains unresolved dependencies. The report is also available under the name BuildReport_reportID.xml in the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\ packages\WmDeployer\pub\projects\project_name\builds\build_name\reports folder, where project_name is the name of the project and build_name is the name of the build.

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