webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Adding Assets for Runtime-Based Deployment | Adding Assets to Broker, ProcessModel, MWS, or Optimize Deployment Sets | About MWS Deployment Sets
About MWS Deployment Sets
If you are creating an MWS deployment set, the set you create should depend on the number of assets you want to deploy. The Root folder aliases field in the MWS Server configuration (see Connecting to My webMethods Servers) controls the Page assets that are displayed for each My webMethods Server. By default, this field is set to folder.public.
If your Public Folders and its subfolders contain hundreds of pages, displaying these assets can take a long time. In addition, Deployer cannot display more than 2500 assets at once, so it might not display all assets. Software AG recommends displaying smaller sets of assets and creating smaller deployment sets. To do so:
1. Change the Root folder aliases field to specify a folder that is deeper within the Public Folders hierarchy.
2. Create the deployment set for those assets.
3. Repeat as necessary.

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