webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing BPM Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Running the Build Script in a Process Project Directory
Running the Build Script in a Process Project Directory
Use this procedure if you want to run the build script on a single process project. In this case, the build script creates composite and descriptor files within the process project directory. The build script considers all process files in the process project directory and its sub-directories, as specified by the properties in build.xml.
* To run the build script in a process project directory
1. Define any of the available build.xml properties as described in Configuring the Process Project build.xml File.
2. Open a command prompt window.
3. Change to the process project directory where you want to run the build script.
4. Run this command: ant
Note: Ensure that you have modified your system variables to contain the path name of the build script. Otherwise, you must type the full path name.
The build script processes the specified process model files and creates corresponding composite and descriptor files in the current directory. After the composite and descriptor files are built, you can move or copy the files to a deployment repository and index them for use with Deployer.
5. If you want to use the composite and descriptor files for use with Deployer, perform the following additional steps:
a. Move or copy the files to the BPM subdirectory of the repository.
b. Run the following command from the Software AG_directory \common\AssetBuildEnvironment\bin directory:
For this platform...
Run the following command...
build.bat createIndex
build.sh createIndex
The createIndex script indexes the files you moved or copied to the repository.

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