webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing BPM Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing the BPM Process Development Asset Deployment Environment | Configuring the Process Project build.xml File
Configuring the Process Project build.xml File
Note: There is no need to configure the build.xml file if the build script is being run in the master_build directory. Configuration of the build.xml file is an option only when you want to run the build script in a process project directory. For information about running the build script in the master_build directory, see Running the Build Script and Rebuilding the Index.
A BPM build.xml file must be included in each process project (see About build.xml Files). The file contains the default properties that are used when the build script is run in the process project directory (that is, no properties are being passed into the project build from a script running in the master_build directory).
Note: A BPM build.xml file is included by default if the Designer process project is created in Designer 8.2 or later. If the process project is imported from previous versions of Designer, you must add it manually to the process project folder.
When the script is run in the process project directory, the build script assumes that the source directory and the output directory are the same as the current directory.
Note: The following property settings are used only when the build script is running in the process project directory. If the build script is running in the master_build directory, the build.xml properties are overridden by the properties in the build.properties file.
* To configure the BPM build.xml file
1. In the process project you want to work with, open the build.xml file in a text editor.
2. Define the following properties as needed:
Required. The location of the Software AG suite installation directory. The specified directory must contain the common/lib directory.
Required. The location of the Deployer environment you installed with Software AG Installer. The specified directory must contain the master_build directory.
default.bpm.acdl.model.ids= processID1;processID2
Optional. A semicolon-separated list of process IDs (that is, a concatenation of process project name and process model file name). For example: testProcessProject/testProcessModel;testProcessProject2/testProcessModel2. If the process does not exist in the source directory or a child directory of it, the build script ignores the value. If left empty, all process model IDs are included. This property can be used with or without the default.bpm.acdl.model.version property.
Optional. A single integer value that is matched to the version number of process models in the source directory or a child directory of it. The build script includes only models with a version number equal to this value in the build. If left empty, the build script includes all process model versions. You can use this property with or without the model.ids property.
Optional. A semicolon-separated list of BAM process model IDs. For example: testProcessProject/testProcessModel;testProcessProject2/testProcessModel2.
You must specify all BAM process models because they are for tracking purposes only and do not need to declare any dependencies. If the process does not exist in the source directory or a child directory of it, the build script ignores the property.
If left empty, all process models are assumed to be BPM processes. The build script treats any process models it builds but that are not included in this list as BPM processes and generates the standard process dependencies for them. You can use this property with or without the bpm.acdl.model.ids or bpm.acdl.model.version properties.
3. Save the file.

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