webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Building Composites for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing BPM Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | Preparing the BPM Process Development Asset Deployment Environment | About build.xml Files
About build.xml Files
Be aware that in either mode, the build script processes only those process projects that contain a build.xml file. Process projects without a build.xml file are ignored, even if a process model is explicitly named.
Software AG Designer adds a build.xml file to a process project automatically for projects created with Process Development version 8.2 SP1 and later. If a process project has no build.xml file, you can copy the build.xml file from any other project. If the build.xml was not modified in the originating project, you do not have to modify the build.xml file to copy it from one project to another.

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