webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Cache Manager
Cache Manager
Note: Integration Server deploys a cache manager that uses BigMemory or Terracotta Server Array only if you have the appropriate Terracotta and Integration Server licenses. For more information about licenses, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Name. The name of the cache manager.
Note: If a cache manager with the same name exists in both the source and target servers and if the cache manager name is modified while deploying to the target server, the target server will contain both the cache managers, one with the old name as well as the one with the name used while deploying.
Terracotta Server Array URLs. (Optional.) Comma-separated list of host names and port numbers, one for each server in the Terracotta Server Array. You can add multiple URLs by using this format: host1:port,host2:port...
Note: You must specify the Terracotta Server Array URLs only if you have distributed caches in the cache manager.
Reload. Specifies whether the cache manager on the target servers is started after deployment.
*True starts the cache manager on the target servers after deployment.
*False does not start the cache manager on the target servers after deployment.
*None indicates that you want to use the global value specified by the deployment options on the Deployment Map Properties > Configure Builds by Assets screen and by the Reload Cache Managers After Deployment value in the project map file.
If the cache manager is in a start state on the target Integration Server, a value of None will not restart the cache manager. If the cache manager is in a shutdown state on target Integration Server, the cache manager will not be started.
The default is None.

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