webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets
Integration Server Assets
Integration Server Administrative Assets
Integration Server Package Assets
Adapter Runtime and .NET Service Assets
CloudStreams Assets
This section identifies the assets that you can export from Integration Server and deploy using Deployer.
The assets Integration Server supports for exporting belong to the following asset group types.
*Integration Server administrative assets such as ACLs, extended settings, groups, JMS alias, JNDI aliases, ports, scheduled tasks and users.
Note: Integration Server does not generate any assets for the Native Users, ACLs, or Groups. This includes the following:
*Native Users. Administrator, Default, Replicator, and Developer.
*Native Groups. Everybody, Administrators, Anonymous, Developers, and Replicators.
*Native ACLs. Administrators, Anonymous, Replicators, Developers, Default, and Internal.
*CloudStreams configuration assets such as database, oauth token, streaming provider, and subscriber option settings.
*Integration Server packages.
*Adapter runtime assets, used by all WmART based adapters, .NET asset used by webMethods Microsoft Package, and CloudStreams assets used by webMethods CloudStreams.

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