webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Broker Settings
Broker Settings
The following table lists the asset type ID and substitution values for Broker settings assets.
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Broker Configuration Settings:
Broker Host
Name (DNSname:port or ipaddress:port) of the machine on which the Broker Server resides.
Broker Name
Name of the Broker to which the Integration Server connects.
Client Group
Client group to which the Integration Server belongs.
Client Prefix
A string that identifies the Integration Server to the Broker.
Client Authentication Settings:
User name required to connect to the Broker.
Password required to connect to the Broker.
The full path to the keystore file for the target Integration Server.
Keystore Password
Password required to access the SSL certificate in the Integration Server’s keystore file.
Use Source Keystore
useSource BrokerKeystore
Specifies whether the target Integration Server uses the keystore file from the source Integration Server.
*True indicates that the target Integration Server uses the keystore file from the source Integration Server. This is the default.
*False indicates that the target Integration Server will use a different keystore file than the source Integration Server.
Note: This configuration value does not correspond to a field or property in Integration Server.
Encryption Settings:
Full path to the Integration Server’s client truststore file.
Use Source Truststore
useSource Broker Truststore
Specifies whether the target Integration Server uses the truststore file from the source Integration Server.
*True indicates that the target Integration Server uses the truststore file from the source Integration Server. This is the default.
*False indicates that the target Integration Server will use a different truststore file than the source Integration Server.
Note: This configuration value does not correspond to a field or property in Integration Server.

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