webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Adapter Runtime and .NET Service Assets | Adapter Runtime Assets
Adapter Runtime Assets
The following table lists the adapter runtime assets and values for all WmART based adapters that you export and deploy using Integration Server:
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Adapter connections
A list of connection management properties, and connection properties based on the adapter. The connection properties are a dynamic set and depend on the adapter implementation.
Note: Before you deploy an adapter connection, you must set the password for the connection. For more information, see the installation and user’s guide for that adapter.
State After Deployment (art.deployment.state). The state of the asset after deployment. Valid values:
*disable indicates that the asset will be in a disabled state after deployment.
*enable indicates that the asset will be in an enabled state after deployment. Any value other than enable sets the state to disable.
The default is disable.
Adapter services
Adapter listeners
Retry Limit (retryLimit). The number of times that the system attempts to start the listener if the initial attempt fails. In particular, this field specifies how many times to retry the listenerStartup method before issuing an adapter connection exception. The default is 5. A value of 0 indicates that the system will make a single attempt.
Retry Backoff Timeout (retryBackoffTimeout). The number of seconds the system waits between each attempt to start the listener. The default is 10. The value of this field is ignored if Retry Limit is set to 0.
State After Deployment (art.deployment.state). The state of the asset after deployment. Valid values:
*disable indicates that the asset will be in a disabled state after deployment.
*enable indicates that the asset will be in an enabled state after deployment. Any value other than enable sets the state to disable.
The default is disable.
Adapter listener notifications
State After Deployment (art.deployment.state). The state of the asset after deployment. Valid values:
*disable indicates that the asset will be in a disabled state after deployment.
*enable indicates that the asset will be in an enabled state after deployment. Any value other than enable sets the state to disable.
The default is disable.
Adapter polling notifications
Interval (notificationInterval). The time of the polling interval in seconds.
Overlap (notificationOverlap). The time the scheduled interval time you set in the Interval field will begin.
*True indicates that the next execution of a scheduled notification does not wait for the current execution to end and they overlap.
*False indicates that the executions of a scheduled notification do not overlap.
Immediate (notificationImmediate). Whether to enable or disable polling immediately.
*True enables polling immediately.
*False disables polling immediately.
State After Deployment (art.deployment.state). The state of the asset after deployment.
*disable indicates that the asset will be in a disabled state after deployment.
*enable indicates that the asset will be in an enabled state after deployment. Any value other than enable sets the state to disable.
The default is disable.

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